I dont wanna go to school, I just wanna break the rules!

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~~~~Scott's POV~~~~

When I walked up to Kenzie's house, I stopped. I smelt anger, even some sorrow. I sighed, guessing Lilly's talk with Kenzie didn't end well.

Soon a rang the doorbell and waited a few seconds, before o heard footsteps coming up. Soon as Kenzie opened the door, I felt my eyes widened. This is a new Kenzie. She didn't have that antisocial look or a long sleeve shirt on.

She wore a blue tank top and black jeans, that made her look taller. Her eyes were still gray and green, but they seemed to make her glow up more. She even wore her hair down.

"You ready?" I asked.

She smiled. I could smell different emotions on her. Sadness, conflict, even anger. But the strongest one was happiness.

"Yes." She said. As soon as she smiled, the sun seemed to brighten. Kenzie must of noticed too because she looked at the sun.

"What the hell?" She mumbled. I shrugged.

"Must be the Nemeton." I answered. Kenzie stopped, and looked like she was listening to something.

Then she answered, "Yeah, my "moods" affect the weather, I guess." She did air quotes around, "moods".

"Let's go to school." I said with my smile. Kenzie rolled her eyes.

"Never thought I would agree to that." She explained as she took the helmet.

As we walked to my bike I noticed how quite it was around Kenzie's house. Like no birds or bugs.

"Wonder where all the birds are today?" She asked to no one in particular. I shrugged again as I got into the bike, starting it up. She put her helmet on as she got on behind me. After a minute of her moving her arms she looked at me.

"Where do I hang on?" She asked. I laughed.

"My waist." I could hear her breath quicken.

"I don't like you that way, plus you have Kira, an-" I cut her off before she falls off the bike.

"No! Not like that! My waist because there is nowhere else to grab." I explained to her, I could feel my face heating up. Great I'm blushing! Out of embarrassment of course.

Soon we were off. As I drove I felt Kenzie remove one hand and put it outside the bike. Like you do in a car, with the window down, you play with the wind. That was what she was doing. This caused my to laugh. She may look older, but was still Kenzie.

~~~~Time Skip~~~~
(As much as I know some people hate when I only do Kenzie's POV, that's the only one I can really do besides Stiles...sorry!)

~~~~Kenzie's POV~~~~

Once we got to school, I noticed that the atmosphere was heavier. I heard people talking and laughing, but none of them noticed the change in atmosphere.

"The Nogitsune, he's getting stronger. Meaning, around tomorrow night, he'll be fully ready to release my sister."

Well isn't that great.

"Scott looked at my worryingly. "What's wrong?"

"The Nogitsune, he's gonna do it. Release the Nemetons sister. Around tomorrow night." I answered. Scott nodded, understanding the situation.

"Let's go," I walked towards the school feeling eyes on me. Guess word got around about me getting stab, again.
Huh, guess word gets around in small towns like these.

"Kenzie, Scott!" We turned to see Kira and Liam running towards us.

"Who's dead?" I asked calmly, more calmly then I wanted to. They gave me a look.

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