The move and family

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~~~~Liam's POV~~~~

Okay! I've only been a werewolf for a very short amount of time, but this was getting to weird! I mean there is another type of Werewolves out there, Vampires, the evil fox spirit who has possessed Stiles again and kidnapped Lydia,the Nemeton as a human girl, and an evil sister of the Nemeton! Nope! Count me out! Yet, here I am helping.

I was still trying to get control on a daily basis. I had enough problem as a human! I was pacing back and forth, evil twins were watching me too.

"Can you stop?" Thing 1 asked. I shook my head as the answer. The only things I know about the twins were that one was dead, and the other was gay. I can't even remember their names. There was to much shit going on! Maybe Mason should meet twin 2, would they hit it off? Or get turned down? Mason said werewolves are hotter than normal people. Guess they are, I think, maybe.

Great now I'm blabbing I thought to myself.

We were at the school, looking for some clues to find Lydia. Scott, Issac, Kira, Derek, and Allison were at the Eichen House. While Peter, Melissa, Chris, Malia, and Deaton watched over Sleeping Beauty.

"Oh crap, Lacrosse team is here." I looked up to see Coach walking over to us, he looked pissed, then again. When didn't he?

"Liam! You think this is funny!" I flinched a little at the tone, the rest of the team looked pissed too. Not good!

"What's funny Coach?" I was really confused, along with the twins. Coach was covered in blue paint. The team was drenched head to toe in, syrup? Yup definitely syrup. There was also a ton of glitter on them too. Then I remember... Halloween was two days ago on Friday. Kenzie was pranking some of the teachers. Including Coach...shit!

"Super gluing everything in my office, and blue paint with glitter!" Okay, now I was pretty sure that there was steam coming off of him. I looked at the twins, they were trying to hide their amusement. Couldn't blame them, it was hard not to laugh at a smurf Coach.

"It wasn't me!" I said, the team rolled their eyes, oh I'm so dead!

"Sure, now! My office all of you!" He pointed to the twins who now lost their sense of humor. Scott is gonna kill me!

~~~~Melissa's POV~~~~

Kenzie was still passed out. She was more pale than before. Lilly was going to kill me if she found out what was happening to Kenzie.

"She's getting worse." I mumbled as I checked her temperature, 105 degrees and rising, if she wasn't Supernatural, she would be dead in the next 15 minutes.

I grabbed my flashlight to check her eyes, I opened the eye lid. I gasped.

Her eye was pure black.

"Deaton!" I yelled, I was in total shock. Deaton ran over followed by Malia and Chris. Peter was outside guarding the door.

Deaton checked her eyes and sighed.

"She's losing control." He said as he backed away.

"What does that mean?" Malia asked. I looked at Chris, he was looking down.

"Whoever trying to take over her body, is winning."

~~~~Kenzie's POV~~~~

I was in a dark hallway. I could barley see. I mentally slapped myself for opening the creepy door. Not the best moment, would like to have that one back.

"Wake up..." The creepy voice bounced off the walls. I would of but I couldn't or I didn't know how. Probably both.

Soon the the dark room became lighter. Then I realized, I wasn't in a room.

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