History lesson from a tree stump

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~~~~Kenzie's POV~~~~

I was in a white room. Yup, a white room! Why is it always a white room?

"White room, why not. Now I'm gonna die." I whispered to myself. All I remembered was that I was talking to the Nemeton, and then passing out. Great!

"I hope you feel, comfortable." I turned to see the Nemeton standing there. She looked like except, you know, older. This time, she was wearing my clothes. I took a step back. I've seen way too many horror movies for this shit!

"Passing out and turning up in a white room, totally comfortable, not questionable." I said as I walked over to the Nemeton, hoping I could maybe slap it.

"This is your mind." The Nemeton said calmly, walking towards a door.
I mumbled under my breath some words that would make Lily throw a fit.

"I always knew I had no brain." I mumbled as I quickly followed the Nemeton out the mysterious door. Not the best move but what could I do?

"It's what you think, not see." As soon as the Nemeton said that I turned around to see the tree stump. The one that I was laying on when I got stabbed on Halloween. Fuck. Wait, that was two days ago. How the hell? Oh my god, Lily is gonna kill me!

"This was my symbol, I was the center of the world. Until someone cut me down. In doing so they made my power like a beacon. Attracting every Supernatural creature that me and my sister every created." The Nemeton danced her fingers on top on the stump, as if it was poison.

"What about your sister?" I asked finally. The Nemeton looked up. Her eyes danced between hatred and sorrow.

"When we were made, we were given the gift to create too." I looked over to my left to see trees and flowers growing.

"We created some life, including the first Werewolves." Soon a man came out of the small woods screaming as fur began to rise from his skin. I took a step back, mortified of what was happening.

"My sister believed that it should be a curse to become something more powerful than a mortal. So once a month, they turned into beast of the moon." The man's bones started to crack, as he hunched over as he growled. He looked up. I gasped as I saw teeth slowly taking over his mouth.

"I disagreed with her methods, so we made a deal." The Nemeton walked over to the man turning and touched his forehead. The man sighed then fainted.

"She could only choose two bloodlines to turn on the full moon, and I would pick a few that could turn when ever." My eyes widened as the man disappeared into sand, along with the woods.

"Two types." I whispered to myself.

"Type one is the gene, where you had to kill and only turn on the full moon to become the werewolf. Type two is when they turn only by an Alpha or are born into it." I looked over at the Nemeton, who was now in a pure gold dress that went passed her feet and had a slit. Her hair was up like a goddess and her eyes were flickering though ever color.

"Why would your sister do that?" I asked, trying not to gasp how hot the thousand year old Nemeton looked.

"My sister, she. Well, she had a darker side than I do." The Nemeton pointed her finger over where a small village had just formed. People were chatting calmly. Children running around the adults as if they had nothing to worry about. I knew that something was wrong.

"The first to turn was the Nogitsune." Then a young man with sharp teeth appeared in the crowd, people didn't seemed to notice the silver teeth. How the hell do you not see the silver teeth with black stuff in his fucking mouth?

"He slaughtered towns just for the chaos, pain, and strife. Something else created him, it wasn't us."

I looked over and almost screamed. The people and children were laying on the ground, not moving. The were covered in blood and their mouth opened as if they were still screaming.

"When my sister discovered this, she never told me. She met with the Nogitsune. Not to compromise, but to join."
I looked over again to see the Nogitsune walking away with a woman. She only had long blond hair and a pure white dress, almost exactly like the Nemeton was wearing.

"That night, I lost my sister to something more evil than the Nogitsune itself." I looked at the Nemeton, pity was the only thing I felt in that moment.

"Than how did she become trapped?" I asked as I looked over at the Nemeton.

"I did, with the help of a Druid. We were able to trap the Nogitsune into a box carved out of wood of my symbol and push my sister into a void. Where light cannot even shine." I looked at my wrist. When I was born I had an infection and they had to get it out and stitch me back up, leaving a huge scar. Almost like the one on the Nemeton. That made more sense. Or less sense, I was so confused.

"Your sister, how long?" I asked staring at the stump. This stump was my worst nightmare. I almost died on it, and I had a feeling that it wouldn't be the last time.

"Too long." The Nemeton answered. The Nemeton walked over to me and placed a hand on my shoulder. I flinched as she touched me.

"She will never change, I lost my sister long before I met her. I know that nothing will stop her from turning the world into darkness." I had a rush of emotions flashed throughout my body.

Pain, sadness, anger, and loneliness. I looked at the Nemeton. Her eyes were pure blue, dark blue.

"How do we stop her?" I asked. Then I got my answer. But not from the Nemeton, from the silence.

~~~~ Time Skip~~~~

Okay! I have no idea how long I've been in here, but as a messed up 17 year old girl in a plain white room, it get boring!

I was sitting on top of the stump, or Nemeton. I have no idea this whole thing was so confusing! Then I heard the door open. Wait. Door?

I looked over to see a door. What the fuck? Where the hell did a door, from the middle of a white room, which by the way, had nothing! No doors, no carpet, even a window. Cause if there was one, I would jump out of the window.

"Hey, Neme. Did you get another idea to fuck with me? With a fake door. Cause that is not funny!" I yelled into the most boring room in the world. I had no response. Great.

One thing about me is that I am the cat. From the saying, "Curiosity killed the cat". Yup, that's me! I also added another part to that saying.

I walked slowly over to the door, whispering the new part of the saying. As I got closer I felt the temperature drop. That's a bad sign, I knew it. But I still kept walking towards the door.

"Curiosity killed the cat..." I mumbled as I grabbed the door handle, which was freezing cold, I closed my eyes and whispered the new part for the saying. I turned the knob.

"But satisfaction brought it back."

I opened the door...

Cliffhanger!!! Sorry not sorry!!!! Omg, Angels!! This book is, I have no idea what it is! I just love how it's sorta dark but also has some comedy to it! I know that it may not be my most popular book but I do like the new style I'm trying out with it. I hope I can write more soon! Thanks Angels!!


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