OTP and insanity

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~~~~Kenzie's POV~~~~

Okay I know Stiles had been dating Malia, don't get me wrong they were really cute together! But I dint know why but I think Stiles and Lydia should get together, a little voice inside my head keeps telling me that they had a history.

Okay so I'm a totally fan girl when it comes to my friends hooking up. Or one of my friends' friends hooking up. So for Stiles its Lydia, I mean him and Malia are cute just not really. Then it is Liam and that Hayden girl. They looked like they had really bad history but that's what brings people closer together. Then it's Scott and Kira. No duh! But something keeps telling me that, I don't know. That Scott had someone he loved before her, I called it a gut instinct.

Once I closed my locker I turn to see Stiles and Lydia talking. I just smiled. They looked really happy together, but than Malia showed up and kissed Stiles. I saw a flash of pain flicker in Lydia's eyes but it was to quick to truly tell.But then I looked passed them...

What. The. Fuck?

I saw my father.... He wore his old jeans like he used to. His hair was a wreck, with dirt and leaves all over. He wore the red flannel shirt that had rips left and right. But the thing that scared me the most. There was a hole in his stomach. It was pouring out blood.

My breath began to quicken as the blood dripped out of his mouth... Soon I couldn't breathe, I couldn't move...

God help me. I thought as he came closer. Not as in steps but as I blinked he was getting closer and closer. Like some Weeping Angels shit!

"KENZIE!" I fell to the floor after the voice broke my thoughts. I didn't realize that I was holding my breath, I took the air like I just broke the surface from the deepest part of the ocean.

"Kenzie, what happened?" It was Lydia's voice, everything was so blurry... I could still see him; my dad.

"Ge...t...m...e o...o..ut....of...he..re." I struggled to say. Stiles who was there with Malia. They both grabbed my arms and helped my to the boys or girls locker room.

"Kenz, you have to breathe.." Malia said calmly. But I couldn't. I look up to see my mom...with a bullet in her head her old jeans and high heels. With her red straight hair going down to her waist. Her nails her covered in blood along with her black shirt.

I started to back away as she stepped closer and closer. I wanted to scream or cry. But I was frozen. Stiles grabbed his phone and started to call someone for help.

My mother smiled at me with her soulless green eyes. Her smile was just like the night when she died. She started to speak something but no words came out of her mouth. I crawled away as fast as I could but Malia grabbed me trying to tell me to calm down. I couldn't!

Soon Scott, Liam, Kira, and the guy who snuck into Stiles window came in. They saw me and helped me up.

"Get her to the hospital, now!" Kira said. But it sounded so far away. I couldn't really hear her. They started to drag me towards my mother. Then I started to scream and kick. My mom raised the pure black knife, it's tip was dripping with non stop blood. My blood, my father's blood....

"Kenzie, it's okay!" Lydia said, again sounded like miles away and her voice sounded like a skipped disc.

"Can we knock her out?" The guy said with black hair and wearing a leather jacket.

"No!" They all said. That's when my legs gave out.

I started to crawl away from them. Away from my mother. I saw a door and I started to crawl towards that.

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