I hate Hospitals and creepy rituals

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~~~~Third Persons~~~~

Lydia's eyes opened. The first thing she was the a bright light. She sat up, but only to groan in pain.

"Lydia!" She looked over to see Aiden. He ran over to her and held her hand, she felt tears in her eyes.

"How long ha-?"

"About a week."

Lydia gasp as she sat up straighter. They were close, very close. She was about to lean in a bit closer but the sudden opening of the door stopped her actions.

"Lydia, how are you feeling?" Melissa asked.

"I'm fine. What happened?" She asked, her voice was raspy due to dehydration.

Aiden began to explain to Lydia what happened since she's been gone. Her eyes widened when she mention that Stiles let the Nogitsune in.

"That's it, and Kenzie has been losing it," Aiden added.

"What do you mean?"

"The Nemeton has been trying to take over her body, basically controlling her,"
Lydia sighed as she rest her head in the pillow.

"she's been fighting back, but it's killing her." He continued, fear was laced in his voice.

"The Nemeton wants me and Allison to help her take control, but we don't know how." Lydia's eyes widened at that comment.

"You can't!" She whispered yelled. She was gripping his arm tightly enough to cause a little blood to drip out. She didn't care, Kenzie was her friend.

"For us to keep living, Kenzie needs to die." Lydia was now conflicted. She'll either lose Kenzie or she'll lose her best friend and her boyfriend, again.

"You need to sleep, you'll be safe here. Goodbye." Aiden left without another word.

Why did he say goodbye?

My eyes started to shut, the last question echoing through my head.

~~~~Scott's POV~~~~

Kenzie was still asleep. Lilly was standing next to her, holding her hand.

"How do we save her?" She asked quietly. We were all here. I looked at the clock.

2 hours. That's all we had. Time seemed to move faster as the deadline moved closer and closer.

"We end this, we save Stiles and Meredith. Stop the Jorōgumo from rising and stop The Nogitsune," I answered. I felt everyone's eyes one me.

"What are we waiting for?" Isaac asked. She got up, walked over to the door and grabbed the handle.

"Let's go."

"I'll wait with Kenzie," Lilly said. Her eyes didn't leave her adopted daughter. I nodded and walked out with the rest of the pack.

~~~~Time Skip~~~~

"Where the hell have you been?" Chris walked up to us. His gun in one hand, and a knife in the other.

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