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~~~~Kenzie's POV~~~

"What the..."

"Fuck!" I yelled to finish Stiles sentence. Scott was in shock, Stiles was talking to himself while trying to figure out what was happening while I was just asking myself questions.

''What the hell is a Nemeton?'

"That's impossible, Allison, that's insa-"

"No, it's the truth Scott." Allison said as she still stood in her natural position. Her hair was up in a bun now with her jeans and leather jacket covering her tank top.

"What the hell is the Nemewhat?" I finally asked causing a weird look from Allison.

"That's you."

"No I'm McKenzie, I'm pretty sure my name isn't that." I said as I was sneaking up slowly from my laying position.

"Well, you're part of it. Like a connection or link. When you were born your mother was a.."

"Bitch?" I offered, but just got a light slap from Stiles.

"A witch," Allison said as she glared at me but I just shrugged, hey truth hurts.

"She gave up her power when she met your father, but what she didn't know was that you got her power, except you also had the blessing of the Nemeton." Allison continued.

"So my mother was a bitch/witch and gave up her powers for me?" I asked still confused. I'm just saying the truth. My mother turned into a bitch when I was born. From what I heard from my very very old friend's parents, she was better off without me.

"Yes." Allison answered.

"That's impossible, my mother hated me." I said trying to make sure this so called "truth" was actually a lie.

"Yes, but that's only when she learned that you had more power then basically any witch or Druid known in mankind."

"So she's Supernatural?" Scott asked, was I?

"Yes and no, she's also part human thanks to her dad." Okay so hybrid...with a witch or a mother and human father, that's new.

"So when your mother found out she was..."

"Pissed off?" Stiles offered

"Upset?" Scott asked

"A bigger bitch." I said, earning a glare from everyone.

"What! It's true..." I mumbled under my breath.

"She wanted that power for herself, so she started to pray to the Nogitsune." Stiles flinched at that word.

"What's the Nogitne?" I mispronounced the word.

"Nog-it-su-ne. Is a dark Kitsune who possessed Stiles a few months back, the reason why me and Aiden died." I flinched, not as badly as Stiles though. So I squeezed his hand.

"So my mother wasn't just a bitch, she was a bitch who loved to worship an evil fox." I said to sum it up. When I was younger before the accident, I knew my parents were going to get divorced, it didn't surprise me at the time.

"Yeah, but the Nogitsune made her believe that you were the antichrist."

"Oh well that's great!" Scott said sarcastically, earning a grin from me.

"Well that's what she called me when my dad wasn't home." I said honestly, not lying. When she was alone with me she would spit that word at me like it was true.

"Your mother is a bitch." Stiles whispered, Scott nodded in agreement.

"So the Nogitsune made her fall for him, making her believe that he was the only one who could have saved you, but she needed to sacrifice you first." My mind flashed to the night where it all happened.

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