The End of the Beginning

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~~~~Third POV~~~~

Scott and Stiles were walking done the hall of their school at the end of their Junior year.

Malia and Stiles broke up, believing that they were better friends than lovers.

Stiles was now holding hands with his love for a long time, Lydia. She and Aiden believed that too much has happened and also better as friends.

The final bell had rung for the beginning of summer.

It has been months since the Nogitsune and the Jorōgumo attack. And the death of Lilly, Kira, and McKenzie.

There was a memorial for all three of them in a local cemetery. Everyone visited them everyday.

Allison and Scott got back together after Isaac moved back to Paris. Chris stayed in Beacon Hills with his daughter. No one really noticed Allison because she was now home schooled and practiced hunting with her father more.

Malia was now trying to find out her who her mother was. All she knew is that she was the Desert Wolf. She also knew her father was Peter. Even though she denies it. No one really blamed her on that one.

Liam got together with a girl his age named Hayden. Who was still in the dark about her boyfriend being a Werewolf.

Derek went to Mexico to find the Desert Wolf before she killed again.

Kira's parents moved back to New York, not able to stay in the town where their daughter died. Of course everyone understood.

Aiden and Ethan went to town to town, of course staying close enough to the town if anything happened.

Stiles jumped into his beloved Jeep. Lydia went in the back and Scott took shotgun.

Once he dropped everyone off, Stiles was alone for awhile.

He was okay with it. After the second time the Nogitsune possessed him, he has been trying to get back into his normal habit of investigating his dad's calls from the station.

He soon gave up after the false call was about someone being stuck in their house.

He sighed as he laid in his bed. The first day of summer and nothing has happened.

He sat up again to see all of his lacrosse equipment over his floor.

He sighed as he looked up. The first thing that caught his eye was a picture.

Now at first look, this picture was normal, but it had more meaning to him.

This was the last and only picture that was left of McKenzie.

After Nemeton left, she burnt down all the evidence of McKenzie living in Beacon Hills, or just existing.

The only thing that proved that she was a person was her gravestone.

He got up and took the picture off the wall. He smiled at the innocence in her eyes.

It was the day after her freaky panic attack. She didn't remember any of it so she played it off.

Her hair was straightened and had a beanie on. She was holding a lacrosse stick and had her hand around Stiles shoulder. She was in mid laugh from Stiles joke which was horrible.

Scott crashed the party and came into the practice and took a picture of them.

He couldn't believe that he got a picture from Scott, who of course declined of taking the picture. When Stiles clearly saw him, as you can tell by his mouth opened in a smile, clearly laughing and yelling at Scott.

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