Halloween 3

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~~~~Lydia's POV~~~~

When I first saw my dead best friend's dead mother, I thought I was drunk...but nope she was really here.

"Derek, Scott.. We have some, unfinished, business." She brought out a knife, where the hell did she get that from?

Soon Malia who was awoken by the threats attacked Mrs. Argent.

"Okay. Get up!" I heard Stiles hiss as he helped me up while Malia was thrown off the ex-hunter.

"Oh, I'm not the worse of them..." Mrs.Argent hissed. As soon as she said that, glowing red eyes escaped from the shadows, the Alphas....oh god.

~~~~Kenzie's POV~~~~

"I'm so drunk!" I screamed as Allison slammed on the gas of some car she stole.

"You're not!" She said calmly and ferociously.

"You just told me you are dead and my best friend's friends are werewolves! So yes I think I'm drunk!" I hissed as she pulled a sharp left into the woods. Soon she slammed on the breaks and looked at me.

"My friends are in huge trouble, and right now you're the only one that can help. So are you in or out?" She asked waiting for my answer.

"I have Stiles bat in the back, you need something?" I asked. Whatever was going on, my friends were in trouble.

"I got what I need." She jumped out of the car and I followed. I grabbed the bat. I looked over to see Allison with a...BOW!

"Where the hell did that come from?" I questioned. Do you blame me!

"I had it the entire time. Let's go." She loaded the bow with a sliver arrow and walked into the woods.

"I'm in a Halloween costume, with a bat, following a dead person into the woods. I've could of done worse." I mumbled to myself as I ran to catch the dead Bow and Arrow lady.

~~~~Scott's POV~~~~

I was pined down by Allison's mom who just jammed the knife into my shoulder. Causing me to howl in pain.

"You should of died." She hissed in my ear, she raised the knife to strike me in my heart. Then Liam slashed her in the back of her neck causing her to lose focus and causing just enough time to throw her off of me.

"You're going easy on them." Liam smartly said as he helped me up.

"Why do your claws only affect them?" I asked mainly to myself. Before I could get the answer the She Wolf (forgot her name, but she's the bitch that got glass all over her) attacked me followed by He wolf (the guy who Derek took down when they fell).

"Maybe cause we never seen these suckers before!" Malia growled as she jumped on top of He Wolf.

Soon a heard Stiles scream. A very 'loud in pain' scream. I turned to see him on the ground with somebody looking over him, then the Oni came out of the shadows.

That only means....

"I'm back!" A very disturbing voice said. Then out of the shadows, the Nogitsune appeared, looking like Stiles.

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