Logan's birthday

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Since today is Logan's birthday like all of my stories that have Logan in it will have a special birthday chapter attached to it and i hope you all like it so enjoy

Kendall was the first one up on Logan's birthday since they were going to be staying out at the cabin for a while longer since the fans and the paps were starting to camp out at the house, so Logan was not comfortable going back there with the kids and Kendall didn't blame him

"Izzy, Abby want to help me make papa his birthday breakfast this morning huh sweet girls?" Kendall asks as he went into the room that the girls shared

Izzy and Abby nod as they went with daddy to make papa his special breakfast

"While I'm cooking i want you girls to start on your homework right away" Kendall says to the girls since they were in school still and Kendall and Logan hated to have them miss since they were in hiding

"Yes daddy" Izzy says as she went to wash her hands while Kendall went to the kitchen to get everything ready for breakfast that morning

Kendall was glad that the girls didn't misbehave all that much, and they were good girls

"I got Camille daddy" Abby says as she came down with the baby that woke up from her slumber once she knew that her sisters were up as well

"Hey Camille' Kendall says as he places her in her sling so she was close to daddy at all times

Camille snuggled on daddy the whole time and Kendall loved having her close by at times like this since she was the baby baby of the family now until the triplets came into the picture in a couple of months, so he could enjoy her being little

"Izzy can you get Dillion and Kenna for me please? It seems that she is up from her slumber a swell" Kendall asks when he hears the other babies wake up from their slumber as well that morning

"Yes daddy" Izzy says as she headed up to the bedroom to get her sisters from their cribs

Kendall decided to get the babies their breakfast that morning while the girls make Logan his breakfast as well cause he wanted to give Logan his breakfast before he woke up that morning and maybe he would want to have breakfast on the deck that morning while looking at the lake since the house was close to the lake


"Okay girls let's go and surprise papa" Kendall says when the breakfast was ready for Logan

The girls headed up while the twins toddled a head just in case they fell their big sisters could take care of them for daddy since daddy had the tray for papa and they were going to be eating with papa inn the room

(Logan's room)

"Girls it looks like papa is still sleeping this morning he must of had a rough night with the babies" Kendall says as the girl tip tow into the room so they could give papa his breakfast and they were going to go down and get their breakfast so they could eat together as a family which Logan wanted to have as long as they could

The girls help daddy with the tray before going down to get their tray, so they could eat with papa that morning in the master

"Logie wake up the girls brought you breakfast in bed this morning for your birthday" Kendall says as he tries to wake Logan up so he could eat and the babies could eat as well

Logan began to slowly wake up, and look at Kendall who was by the bed 

"How you feeling this morning Logie and how are the babies?" Kendall asks as he helped Logan up so he could sit up and enjoy his breakfast that morning

"Didn't sleep much last night at all cause the babies kept waking me up" Logan says as he looks down at his bump where the triplets were playing with one another that morning and that also woke Logan up

"It will be better when they are with us and they can help keep their sisters up" Kendall says with a chuckle as they shared a kiss that morning

"Yeah and then they can help us with the babies" Logan says as he got comfortable the best that he could with his belly getting bigger by the day with the triplets

Once the girls were in the room they had breakfast together that morning together as a family

(Much later)

"Logan what do you want to do this morning since it is your birthday?" Kendall asks him since the girls were going to get the babies ready that morning so daddy and papa can spend sometime together just the two of them that morning

"Go for a walk today and maybe go on the lake with the kids" Logan says as he got out of bed and decided he was going to get dressed so they could go on a walk and spend time with the girls too

"Okay that sounds like a plan to me Logie" Kendall says as he was helping Logan out of bed and he was going to help Logan get dressed as well

The girls were downstairs making a cake and they were going to have daddy put the cake in the oven for them and when the cake was cooled they were going to decorate it for papa that morning while daddy kept papa busy so papa didn't ruin the surprise that the girls were planning for his birthday

"Girls you ready for me to put the cakes in the oven?" Kendall asks them as he came into the kitchen to help the girls with the cake for Logan's birthday

The girls nod as Kendall opens the oven so he could put the cakes in and he was going to stay close while the cakes were cooking cause Logan was going to have a check-up to see about the triplets

"Girls want to hear your baby brothers or sisters heartbeat this morning?" Kendall asks the girls since Logan had the babies up there with him as Dr. Buttercream was going to check the babies out as well since Logan didn't feel comfortable going home

The girls nod as they went with daddy to check on the babies and see papa too cause they did his birthday cards before daddy came down to help them with the cake

"I'll set the timer so the cake doesn't burn while we are with papa" Kendall says as he set the timer on the cakes before going up with the girls so they could all be there to hear the babies heartbeat and maybe see the gender of the babies if they were lucky enough that morning

All of the triplets were being shy and didn't want their parents to see what they were, and they were going ot find out nect time

(Much later)

"Girls the cakes look amazing and delicious I think papa will like it" Kendall says as he got the cakes out of the oven

V & C

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