Kendall has the baby

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(Kendall's room)

"Kenny" Logan says as he enters the room to be with Kendall right now cause Logan could hear Kendall calling out for him as soon as he got off the elevator and he went to the room to be with him right now

"Logie it hurts," Kendall says as he was looking at him cause Kendall was in a lot of pain right now 

"I bet it does and soon it will be over and we will have our beautiful little girl in our arms," Logan says as he was going to comfort Kendall right now as he was going through the hardest part of it all

Kendall could not handle the contractions at all he felt like the baby was going to be born every time he had a contraction cause his stomach muscles would tense up like crazy

"Kendall you gotta breathe cause she is not ready to be born quite yet," Logan says as he was helping Kendall cause he was going to be having the baby naturally and not by C-section like Logan did with the quads 

"Logan can I just have a c section and get this over cause I don't know how much more I can take," Kendall says as he looks at him as he was breathing really heavy right now

"Kenny you can do this I believe in you," Logan says as he was trying to keep him calm right now cause the doctor wanted him to deliver naturally if he can and if the baby doesn't cooperate then he will have a c section to have the baby that way 

Kendall walked and did everything he could to have the baby come and nothing was working right now and he was in more pain then ever from the contractions 

"Kendall I'm going to take the baby cause she is not tolerating labor as I would like and the contractions are too much for her, so it is safer for you and for her as well" Dr. Buttercream says as she was checking on Kendall right now cause he didn't dilate that much either so the baby was going to be born as soon as she could get the operating prep

Kendall nodded cause he was ready to have the baby right now and he wanted it over with now 

"Well the babies will be close in age" Logan says as he gets into scrubs for the c section cause he was going to be in there with Kendall as he has the baby 

"Yeah and the two girls will be roommates for sure like the others are" Kendall says as he gets his surgery cap on for the c section cause he was fully ready to have the baby

"But I love all our kids no matter what happens" Logan says as they share a kiss as well before Kendall was taken back

Kendall and Logan talked to North and let her know she was going to be born soon and they will get to see her really soon 

"I know she is the only one I will carry and give birth too" Kendall says as they were chilling right now as he was waiting to go back for the c-section 

"I didn't mind sharing the journey with you" Logan says as he sits with Kendall right now as they waited a little longer 

Kendall was taken back a little while later for the c section and Logan went with him cause they could not be broken apart at all 

"Save me a seat" Logan tells him as he goes into the operating room 

"I will for sure" Kendall says to him as he heads into the operating room for the c section

Logan was a little nervous cause there might be complications from this and Kendall might lose his life the baby might die but Logan was trying to keep hopeful right now for the both of them. Logan wanted to be with Kendall as he was getting the epidural in his back cause he could see Kendall wanted him to be with him

"Kendall is calling for you" the nurse tells him as she pops her head out

Logan puts his mask on and he goes in to be with Kendall

"I'm here Kenny we are getting closer to seeing her" Logan says as the epidural goes in Kendall's back cause Kendall wanted Logan with him as he got the epidural in his back

Logan stays with him as the nurses put him down and gets his belly ready for surgery

"She's moving like crazy in there" Logan says as he looks at Kendall's stomach cause North did not want to be born 

Logan stays next to him as the curtain went up


"Okay here comes baby girl" Dr. buttercream says as she pulls the baby out

Logan had the camera ready to take her first picture

Dr. Buttercream had the baby out in no time

"Here she is happy birthday" the doctor says as she cleans out the mouth

"North is here" Logan says as he cries tears of joy right now

Logan went to where they took her and was with her the whole time she was getting cleaned up cause Kendall was going to have surgery once the baby was born

"You sure are a pretty girl" Logan says as he held her

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