Abby has her tonsils out part 5 and Kendall goes tot he hospital

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"Kids can you come here?" he asks as he came into the house

The kids came running or waddling to where daddy was cause they knew papa was in the hospital waiting on their brothers to come and join them

"We are all here dad" Izzy says as she was getting the younger ones under control so Kendall could talk to them

"Guys i am going to need you guys to help out more around the house until i have the baby" Kendall says as he picks up one of the little ones cause they wanted to be held

"Why?" Izzy asks him

"I am going to be on bed rest for a while cause my blood pressure is up and that could cause me to go into labor and have your baby sister early" Kendall says as he was going to get everything together just in case he had to go to the hospital and have the baby

"Who will watch us?' Abby asks him since she was a little scared for what was going to happen to them since her grandparents were not in the best of health right now 

"Uncle James or Carlos will watch you guys if i have to go to the hospital, and have to be monitored until i have the baby" Kendall says as he was still talking to the kids about what is going to happen for the time being until papa and daddy has the baby

Izzy and Abby were up for helping with their siblings, and with the chores as well cause they will be helping each other out with the chores   

(A month later)

Kendall was still on bed rest and he was going to be going to the hospital cause his blood pressure was still a little high so he was going to be admitted and they were going to take the baby soon, and she was going to have the surgery that was going to fix her legs so she was going to have a normal life   

"Hello" Kendall says when he hears the phone ring one day since the girls were home from preschool for a while due to the roof collapsing cause of so much snow and the pipes burst as well  

"Mr. Schmidt" Abby's doctor says to him

"Oh yes doctor what do i owe this phone call?" Kendall asks him 

"I have a cancellation and i thought since Abby's grandparents are older and since you and Logan are really pregnant, and i hate to have her get another sore throat and have her wait I want to schedule her to have her tonsils out" the doctor says to Kendall

"We will take it if you get in touch with the grandparents and let them know what is going on, and i can tell Logan what is going on with her, and i hate to have her get sick more since it is going around the school" Kendall says as he rubs his bump where the baby was flipping like crazy 

"Okay i will book it I will see you guys in a few weeks" the doctor tells Kendall 

"Will do and I will be in the hospital so one of her Uncles will be bringing her, and Logan and me will check her in" Kendall says to the doctor before he hangs up cause he was going to call Logan and let him know what is going on   

Kendall had to sit down for a spell cause he might collapse at any second 

"Daddy you okay?" Izzy asks as she and Abby was bringing up the laundry that Kendall din earlier in the day cause he needed to keep it up since Logan wasn't home 

"I don't know i think you girls need to call 911" Kendall says to the girls

Izzy was going to call 911 on one phone wile Abby called their Uncles on the other phone in hopes they could watch the girls since Kendall was going to be in the hospital as well 

"I swear i have the best daughters" Kendall says as he was doing his deep breathing exercises to help him relax until help arrived to take him to the hospital to see what was going on with him

Soon the paramedics came and James was going to stay with the kids while Carlos was going to go with Kendall to the hospital to see what was going on with him

"Thanks guys for coming over on such short notice" Kendall says tot he guys 

"No problem Kendall I am going to cook an amazing meal for the kids and i know Abby and Izzy are the best helpers i could have and i will have them play in the yard while i cook dinner, and tonight we can sit in front of the fireplace, and we can have s'mores" James says to him 

"The kids love them so much, and since Abby and Izzy have been doing so good in school lately, so they need a little treat" Kendall says as the paramedics were checking him over and seeing what was going on with him and the baby 

"Okay I will bring the kids tomorrow when the all clear has been given to see you, and I might take them to see Logan tonight cause i am sure he is missing the kids like crazy" James says to him 

"He is and the boys are growing like crazy, so they will be born either after their sister is born or before their sister is born" Kendall says as he gets on the stretcher to head to the hospital to see what is going on with him and why he is feeling so off 

"I got all of the medical information to get you checked in and Logan will meet us in the emergency room" Carlos says as he looks at Kendall

"Okay i am ready" Kendall says as he looks at the paramedics as he was leaving the house to go to the hospital           

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