Kendall gets admitted

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Kendall had to sit down for a spell cause he might collapse at any second

"Daddy you okay?" Izzy asks as she and Abby was bringing up the laundry that Kendall did earlier in the day cause he needed to keep it up since Logan wasn't home

"I don't know i think you girls need to call 911" Kendall says to the girls

Izzy was going to call 911 on one phone wile Abby called their Uncles on the other phone in hopes they could watch the girls since Kendall was going to be in the hospital as well

"I swear i have the best daughters" Kendall says as he was doing his deep breathing exercises to help him relax until help arrived to take him to the hospital to see what was going on with him

Soon the paramedics came and James was going to stay with the kids while Carlos was going to go with Kendall to the hospital to see what was going on with him

"Thanks guys for coming over on such short notice" Kendall says to the guys as he was being checked over by paramedics and getting on a monitor to monitor his heart rate and they were going to monitor the baby as well

"No problem Kendall I am going to cook an amazing meal for the kids and i know Abby and Izzy are the best helpers i could have and i will have them play in the yard while i cook dinner, and tonight we can sit in front of the fireplace, and we can have s'mores, and sing songs and tell stories before bed tonight, so the kids are in good hands with us" James says to him

"The kids love them so much, and since Abby and Izzy have been doing so good in school lately, so they need a little treat here and there" Kendall says as the paramedics were checking him over and seeing what was going on with him and the baby

"Okay I will bring the kids tomorrow when the all clear has been given to see you, and I might take them to see Logan tonight cause i am sure he is missing the kids like crazy right now since he is in the hospital" James says to him

"He is and the boys are growing like crazy, so they will be born either after their sister is born or before their sister is born" Kendall says as he gets on the stretcher to head to the hospital to see what is going on with him and why he is feeling so off

"I got all of the medical information to get you checked in and Logan will meet us in the emergency room" Carlos says as he looks at Kendall cause he was going to go and help Logan check Kendall in and he was going to come home to help James with the kids while Logan stays with Kendall

"Okay i am ready" Kendall says as he looks at the paramedics as he was leaving the house to go to the hospital

Kendall was loaded up in the ambulance and Carlos was going to follow with his car so he could get help Logan get Kendall admitted and see what was going on with him


"Logan shouldn't you be in your room?" Carlos asks when he sees Logan in the waiting room of the emergency room 

"I know i should but i need to be here for Kendall, and be strong for him cause he has been strong for me through my pregnancy" Logan says as they started to check him in and see what is going on with him and the baby and Logan was going to sit down since the boys were being very active for some reason

Logan was able to get Kendall registered and Carlos was going to stay with Logan so he doesn't go into labor either cause that might scare Carlos 

"The boys are sure getting big" Carlos says when he sees Logan's stomach 

"Yeah they are" Logan says as he looks down at his bump where the boys were kicking up a storm for their papa at the moment  

Logan was checking his phone and talking to the boys as they were waiting to see what was going on with Kendall and the baby as well  

"Do you and Kendall have names for the babies?" Carlos asks him

"Yeah L.J, K.J and Kayden" Logan says as he was looking at his bump cause each of the boys had their name and he could know who was kicking him from what side of his stomach     

"Where did K.J and L.J come from?" Carlos asks him

"Izzy she wrote her brothers a note and it touched our hearts, so we are going to honor that cause it has to deal with the note she left for her brothers" Logan says as he didn't want to cry he wanted to hold it together for Kendall just in case Kendall was going to lose the baby  

Logan was waiting to see what is going on with Kendall

"Henderson-Schmidt" the nurse calls from the doorway 

Carlos helps Logan up so he can go back and be with Kendall 

"Carlos can i have a wheelchair?" Logan asks him  

"Sure buddy" Carlos says as he gets him a wheelchair for Logan cause he could not walk or stand anymore cause of the weight of the boys on him and Logan could not wait for the boys to be born  

Carlos helps Logan in the chair so they can go back and see Kendall and what is going on with him, and what was going to happen to the baby  

"Kayden is being really active" Logan says as he was trying to get Kayden to settle down a little bit 

"I bet he is" Carlos says as he was pushing Logan to the room so they could see Kendall and the baby 

(Kendall's room)

"Hey Logie" Kendall says as Carlos brought him to the bed  

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