Logan has the boys part 1

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Breaking this up a little bit with my schedule being crazy and everything right now, so just in case i have to work on Wednesday's I can work on the chapter here and there to help with views

"Logan shouldn't you be in your room?" Carlos asks when he sees Logan in the waiting room of the emergency room

"I know i should but i need to be here for Kendall, and be strong for him cause he has been strong for me through my pregnancy" Logan says as they started to check him in and see what is going on with him and the baby and Logan was going to sit down since the boys were being very active for some reason

Logan was able to get Kendall registered and Carlos was going to stay with Logan so he doesn't go into labor either cause that might scare Carlos

"The boys are sure getting big" Carlos says when he sees Logan's stomach

"Yeah they are" Logan says as he looks down at his bump where the boys were kicking up a storm for their papa at the moment

Logan was checking his phone and talking to the boys as they were waiting to see what was going on with Kendall and the baby as well

"Do you and Kendall have names for the babies?" Carlos asks him

"Yeah L.J, K.J and Kayden" Logan says as he was looking at his bump cause each of the boys had their name and he could know who was kicking him from what side of his stomach

"Where did K.J and L.J come from?" Carlos asks him

"Izzy she wrote her brothers a note and it touched our hearts, so we are going to honor that cause it has to deal with the note she left for her brothers" Logan says as he didn't want to cry he wanted to hold it together for Kendall just in case Kendall was going to lose the baby

Logan was waiting to see what is going on with Kendall

"Henderson-Schmidt" the nurse calls from the doorway

Carlos helps Logan up so he can go back and be with Kendall

"Carlos can i have a wheelchair?" Logan asks him

"Sure buddy" Carlos says as he gets him a wheelchair for Logan cause he could not walk or stand anymore cause of the weight of the boys on him and Logan could not wait for the boys to be born

Carlos helps Logan in the chair so they can go back and see Kendall and what is going on with him, and what was going to happen to the baby

"Kayden is being really active" Logan says as he was trying to get Kayden to settle down a little bit

"I bet he is" Carlos says as he was pushing Logan to the room so they could see Kendall and the baby

(Kendall's room)

"Hey Logie" Kendall says as Carlos brought him to the bed

"Hey Kenny" Logan says as he looks at him 

"You okay Logie?" Kendall asks him 

"Kayden is kicking really hard is all" Logan says as he was hiding it from Kendall as the doctor came in to see him and check on their little angel 

"Are you sure you ain't in labor?" Kendall asks him as the doctor came over to check Kendall out 

"I might be" Logan says as he was having another contraction 

Kendall looked over for a free bed so he was close to Logan at all times, and there wasn't so Logan was stuck in the wheelchair for a little bit 

"Well Mr. Henderson-Schmidt you are going to be admitted, and put on bed rest for the rest of the pregnancy" the doctor tell him after he was checked out 

"Okay will i be able to be with my husband as he is in labor right now?" Kendall asks the doctor 

The doctor could see the pain look Logan had in his eyes right now 

"Yes you can and nurse get the other Mr. Henderson-Schmidt up to labor and delivery" the doctor calls to the nurse 

The other nurses came in to take Kendall up to be with Logan 


Logan was in a lot of pain right now and Dr. Buttercream was on her way to the hospital to check him and see how far he was in his labor    

"Kayden is really kicking now" Logan says as he had a contraction

"Logan it's going to be okay i am going to be here with you" Kendall says as he was going to keep Logan comfortable if he was in labor

"I hope i don't have them natural and they come by c-section" Logan says as he was hooked up to the monitors to monitor the heart rates of the boys and his as well 

"They will come by c-section with the way they are laying in your stomach unless they flipped and then you will have them natural" Kendall says as he was in his bed close to Logan cause he was Logan's coach

"I hope they didn't i don't have the strength to deliver all three" Logan says to him 

"I know you don't Logie" Kendall says as he was going to comfort him 

When Logan had a mean contraction he leaned into Kendall 

"Soon Logan we will have the boys in our arms" Kendall says as he was hugging him close as he was going through his labor 

"Yes we will" Logan says as he was coming out of his contraction 

"There you are home free Logie" Kendall says as he hugs him close cause Logan was breathing a lot right now 

Kendall and Logan were going to walk the halls a little bit to help speeds things along as they waited for the doctor to come and see them         

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