Mackenna is born part 2

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"Kenny I want to go back to the room cause my legs hurt" Logan says to him

"Okay Logie we'll go back to the room" Kendall says to him

Logan was dilated enough he could get some pain medicine as well as some sleep for the delivery that was ahead

"Night my little Logie" Kendall says as he covers Logan up and gives him a kiss

(Next morning)

"Logan you are almost there you are at seven centimeters right now, so it won't be long" Dr. Buttercream says to him

"This is it Loges your pregnancy will be all over after Mackenna is born" Kendall tells him

"I know I can't believe Mackenna will be being pushed out in two hours" Logan says looking at the clock

"Will you do it again?" Kendall asks him

"Of course I would don't be silly" Logan says with a chuckle

While they wait James brings Isabel down to see mommy

"Hey Isabel" Logan says when he sees his princess

"Mommy" Isabel says when she sees Logan

"Come here baby doll" Logan says reaching out for her

James puts Isabel on the bed with Logan

"Soon princess you are going to be a big sister cause mommy is going to have Mackenna really soon" Logan tells Isabel

Isabel snuggles closer to Logan

"She missed you last night" James tells Logan

"I can tell cause I missed her too" Logan says as he strokes her small fingers

James leaves to go freshen up while Isabel was with her parents since they are going to be waiting a while for Mackenna to come

"Isabel wanna go to the gift shop and pick something up for the baby?" Kendall asks her

Isabel nods as she goes with daddy

"Bye sweetie" Logan tells her

Isabel waves at Logan as her and Kendall leave to go to the gift shop to get something for the new baby. Logan enjoys the silence for a little bit


"Go with Uncle James cause mommy is going to the delivery room to have your baby sister" Kendall tells Isabel

Isabel goes with Uncle James down to the playroom to play a little bit

"Well Logan you are completely dilated are you ready to go to the delivery room?" Dr. Buttercream asks him

"Ready as I'll ever be" Logan tells her

Soon two nurses come to take Logan down to the delivery room

"Put these on" the nurse tells Kendall

Kendall puts the scrubs on and goes to where the nurses took Logan

"Kenny where are you?" Logan calls out for him

"I'm right here Logie I had to put this on, so everything is sterile for Mackenna" Kendall says as he strokes Logan's knuckles

Soon Logan is taken into the delivery room to deliver Mackenna

"Well Logan this is it" Kendall says as the nurses put Logan's legs in the stir ups and covers them

"Yeah I can't believe it is happening" Logan says as he was hit with another contraction

Dr. Buttercream feels if Mackenna is in position for the birth

"Okay the baby is in position when I count to three push Logan" Dr. Buttercream says to him

Logan does what he is told and starts pushing Mackenna out and into the world

"Good Logan I can see the head" Dr. Buttercream says to him

Logan keeps pushing until the head was out. As Logan pushed Kendall was shedding tears if joy

"Okay the head is out rest for a bit Logan while I move the cord" Dr. Buttercream says to him

Logan was scared cause Mackenna's umbilical cord was around her neck

"Pant for a bit Logan cause she has it wrapped pretty good" Dr. Buttercream says to him

Logan pants through the contractions and the pain until Dr. buttercream moved the umbilical cord

"Okay Logan you can go back to pushing" Dr. Buttercream says to him

Logan goes back to pushing Mackenna into the world

"Easy does it Logan" Dr. Buttercream says to him

Logan gives tiny pushes until a cry could be heard

"Congrats it's a girl" Dr. Buttercream says as she puts the baby on Logan

"Hi Mackenna darling welcome to the world" he says crying as she takes her first breath

"Dad would you like to do the cord?" Dr. Buttercream asks Kendall

Kendall cuts the umbilical cord

"Kenny she looks like you" Logan says crying

"Hi Mackenna" Kendall says as he gives Mackenna a kiss on her forehead

Soon Logan feels another contraction

"Okay Logan a few light pushes for the afterbirth" the doctor tells him

Logan pushes lightly and the afterbirth was out. Logan gets cleaned up, so Isabel could see her sister

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