Abby gets her tonsils out part 2

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"Hey Abby haven't seen you for a while" the doctor says as she came into the office to see her

"Well her grandparents have not been well so we have adopted her and her sister as our own kids" Logan says to the doctor

"Let's see what is going on huh sweet girl?" the doctor asks as Abby gets on the table so she could be examined and see what was going on with her

The doctor checked Abby's throat and it was swelled

"I think with how many sore throats she had the past year I want to have her tonsils removed" the doctor says after she had checked her throat

"When will that happen?" Logan asks her

"In the new year I will have her go to a specialist and then he will set up the appointment for her to have her tonsils out" the doctor says as she was going to get the name of the doctor that does most of her patients tonsils

Logan was okay with that cause Kendall and him was going to be with Abby when her tonsils come out

"Well Abby you get to pick out the ice cream, popsicles and anything else that you want, and the best part it will all be for you" Logan says as he was cuddling her close since she was scared out of her mind about the operation

Abby was very happy about that and she could not wait to get all that treatment when her tonsils come out and she can lay around all day after the surgery

"I think we can go home and tell daddy what's going on with you" Logan says as he pays for the appointment and left with her to take her home so he can tell Kendall that Abby was going to have her tonsils out next year sometime

Abby nodded as they left to go home

Logan was looking at the paperwork that needed to be done as they were leaving the clinic since the doctor gave her some medicine to help her until her tonsils come out as well 

"It looks like we have a lot of paperwork to complete before you have your surgery sweetie" he says as he gets out to the mini van so they could go home to Kendall and the others as well

Logan helps her into her car seat so they could go home and tell Kendall about the operation cause Abby wanted both daddy and papa there and then they will have to get approval from the grandparents first before she has anything major done 

"After we tell daddy we can go to the store later to get anything you want" he tells her as he gets in to go home

Abby nods as she looks at him as they were heading home


"Abby it's okay daddy and papa will be there with you when you get your tonsils out baby girl and papa can hold you for a bit before you go under if you want" Logan says as he was carrying her into the house so she could lay down for a little bit since the clinic gave her some medicine and that was going to help her feel better for Christmas

Abby didn't want Logan to leave her at all

"It's okay sweetie papa ain't mad that you got sick baby he is just glad you are going to get better is all" Logan says as he was holding her as they sat on the couch cuddling together just the two of them since she was not feeling the best at all  

"Hey Abby" Kendall says as he came in to see her again

"Kendall can we talk in the kitchen just the two of us for now?" Logan asks him

"Sure Logan" Kendall says to him as they headed for the kitchen 

"Abby has to have her tonsils out in the new year" Logan says as he went to see if they had plenty of room for all of the frozen goodies Abby would like 

Kendall didn't know what to say 

"I told her we will be there for her when she gets them out so she isn't scared" Logan says to Kendall

"I am on board with that and i hope she will be better or it will have to wait" Kendall says as he looks at Logan 

"Me too i hope she doesn't get strep throat before the operation" Logan says as he went to see Abby and see if she wants to get her frozen goodies as well as pudding, jell-o and yogurt to eat after the operation 

Abby was fast asleep so they were going to go later when she felt a little better

"Night Abby i love you" he says as he kisses her as he covers her up a little bit so she doesn't get cold

Logan admired her as she slept peacefully on the couch and she was just perfect 

(Weeks later)

Abby was able to get into the specialist after many weeks of him being booked to the limit and they could not get in at all to see him

"Abby ready to get the operation set up so you can have your tonsils out?" Logan asks as they were leaving the house since James and Carlos was going to watch the kids while Kendall and Logan was at the doctor's with Abby 

She nods as she looks at daddy and papa 

"Okay come on big girl" Kendall says as they headed out to the car so they could get going to the doctor's office in question

Abby hugged her stuffed big bird that she got for Christmas from her grandparents since they requested to spend some time with the girls every major holiday if they could and Kendall and Logan respected that about her

"We have to get one of the grandparents just in case this doctor doesn't believe that their real parents are dead" Logan says as he got in front to head for the nursing home to see if the grandparents could come to the hospital just in case the hospital needed them to sign something and they needed consent from their actual guardian for the time being while they were waiting for the courts to push the adoption through 

"Of course" Kendall says as he got in so they could get going to the nursing home and get the grandparents for the surgery Abby might want her grandparents there for comfort and Kendall and Logan were not going to keep them away from her 

V & C   

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