More sick fun with Isabel

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"Papa I have to go potty" Isabel says to him

"Okay sweetie" he says as he gets up so he could carry her to the bathroom cause she was really weak

"Papa will be right outside if you need him" he calls to her

"Okay papa" she calls from inside the bathroom

"Logie are you going to be okay with Isabel and Dillion cause I have to go to the studio" Kendall asks him

"Yeah Isabel loves Dillion and Dillion loves Isabel" Logan says accepting the baby from Kendall

"Bye Dillion be good for mommy while daddy is at work" Kendall tells the baby

Dillion gives him that look

"Okay Dillion I think you need a diaper change princess" Logan says taking her to the nursery to be changed

Logan had a clean diaper on her in no time at all

"There we go little one all nice and clean" he tells her

"Papa I still don't feel good" Isabel says coming from the bathroom

"What hurts princess?" he asks her

"My stomach" she tells him

"Come on I'll give you some pedialyte to help with your tummy" he says as he takes her downstairs

Logan gives Isabel a sippy cup full of the liquid for her to drink

"Here we go sweetie" he tells her

"Thank you papa" she says as she goes back to the couch to drink the liquid

Logan sits in another chair with Dillion that way Dillion doesn't catch it either

"Come here sweetie since sissy is sick we have to keep an eye on her, so she doesn't get worse" he lays as he sits down with the day old baby

Dillion kept her eyes opened a little bit before going back to sleep

"Is Dilly tired?" Isabel asks

"Yes she is you got to remember she's not that old yet, so it's going to be a while before she plays" he says as he rocks Dillion in his arms

Soon Logan could hear Isabel throwing up the pedialyte that he gave her

"We are going to wait until your tummy is better to feed you" he says as he holds her hair as she continues to get sick

"Can you hold me papa?" she asks him

"Sure sweetie, and as I hold you I'll wet your lips, so they don't become dry. Plus we will try to get liquids in you little by little, so you don't dehydrate" he says grabbing one of her small cups and filling it with water

Logan loved sick Isabel cause she always wanted to be held by him

"I'm going to put something on for us to watch since you don't feel like doing much of anything" he says as he puts Spongebob on for her to watch

Isabel loved Spongebob cause it made her giggle

"Are you hungry Isabel?" he asks her

She nods

"I'll make you some toast" he says going to the kitchen to make her something to eat

Logan uses cookie cutters to make fun shapes for Isabel

"Here we go Isabel" he says giving her the toast

Isabel started to nibble on the toast like a good girl

"Eat slowly sweetie" he tells her

She does

Once she was done she laid back down and went to sleep

"Night princess I love you" he says tucking her in

After Logan tucked her in he went to make her bed


"I'm sorry papa" she says as she throw up again

"Thanks okay sweetie your tummy is not feeling good right now, so we will try again but with something else i promise" he says as he holds her hair as she pukes

Once she was done Logan emptyed the puke bucket and rinse her mouth out and put ice on her lips to keep her hydrated a little bit until he tries pumping fluids in her once again

(Early evening)

"Hey princesss how we feelin?" Kendall asks as he comes into the house

"Yucky daddy" she says to him

"She hasn't kept nothing in her at all" Logan says as he appears with Dillion who was sleeping at them oment

"I think we need to go to the hospital right now since she isn't keeping nothing in her system" Kendal says as he grabs a throw blanket from the hallway cupboard

"I think so too" Logan says as he follow behind with Dillion in his arms and the diaper bag, and his hospital bag just in case he goes into labor

Kendall put Isabel in her car seat and Logan secured Dillion in her car seat before they set off for the hospital. Before Logan got in he felt a damp sensation below

"Kenny it's time i think MacKenna wants to make her appearance" Logan tells Kendall

"Okay Logan I'll try to be in two places at once with Isabel and you" Kendal says to him

Kendall was helping Logan breath with the contractions and remain calm. Kendall called James and Peta to come help him since Logan was in labor with little Mackenna


James was waiting with a wheelchair for Logan

"Thanks James" Logan says as he gets in the wheelchair and James pushes him into the hospital, so he could deliver little Mackenna

"Let's get you two registered" Kendall says as he follows behind with Isabel and Dillion

"Let's bring little Mackenna into the world" Logan says as he breaths in and out through the pain of the contractions that he was having as James wheels them to the window

Kendall registers both Isabel and Logan, so Isabel could be seen and Logan could go up to labor and delivery

"Bye Dillion be good for Aunt Peta" Kendall says as he kisses his baby girl good-bye

"She will be Kendall go Logan needs you" Peta tells him

Kendall knew she was right Logan needed him, but he was torn cause Isabel needed both parents cause she was really miserable, so he decides to go to Isabel and then go up later to be with Logan when he delivered little Mackenna 

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