Kendall on bedrest

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"How will she be born?" Kendall asks him as he was wiping the gel a little bit

"By c-secction then once you guys see her she will have her surgery to separate her legs so she can have a normal life" the doctor says to the gentlemen as they were a little scared for their little girl when she is born

"Will she be able to walk?" Logan asks cause if she was not able to walk on her own they will have to get her a wheelch

"It's hard to tell right now she looks like she has some extra toes at the end and that should not be a problem" the doctor says as he looks at Kendall and Logan some more as he was looking at the little girl some more

"She is healthy right?" Kendall asks him

"Besides the legs and the toes she is perfectly fine time to go to 3D to see her a little better" the doctor says as he goes to 3D so Kendall and Logan can see their little girl some more before Logan goes back up to his room for the day and Kendall goes home to be with the kids since Logan was still in the hospital on bedrest as well

"Logie she looks like you" Kendall says as he sees the little girl on the screen

"She has your nose Kenny and your ears" Logan says as he was looking at Kendall as he saw the baby who was okay in the womb

"She has your mouth and your eyes Logie" Kendall says as he looks at their little girl who was going to be different and that was okay with Kendall and Logan cause they were going to love her no matter what happens to her in the future and they will always be there for her and her siblings will protect her as well when she is older from the big kids who will pick on her

"Kendall i am going to admit you for a few days to monitor your blood pressure as well" the doctor says to Kendall

"Doc you can't do that we have the kids at home and the oldest can't be at home alone for a few years yet and we don't know who can watch then while the both of us are in the hospital" Logan says to the doctor cause no one was going to watch the kids if they were in the hospital together

"Okay bedrest for you Kendall at home is the least i can do for now, and then we can go from there tomorrow and if it is still up i am going to admit you no buts" the doctor says to Kendall

"That i can do and i can cook sitting down and the girls can help me with the big stuff to and thay are good sports about helping us" Kendall says as he was cleaning the gel off of his stomach again so he could go home and rest and come back with the kids so they can see papa and be with him for a little bit and then maybe Kendall can stay home with the kids until Logan has the boys

"Okay i will call and check on you a lot tonight and tomorrow we will see if you are going to be with me and the boys " Logan says as they kiss before Kendall leaves the hospital to go home t be with the kids then if need be Kendall can have James and Carlos on stand-by if he has to go to the hospital

"Thanks Logie i will be fine with the kids" Kendall says as he looks at Logan and looks at his bump where the baby was being good right now at the moment

"I hope so" Logan says as he looks at Kendall as they headed to the entrance where Kendall was going to go home and rest since he was not going to be doing much just worrying about Logan is all cause the boys could come at any moment and he had to be ready to go and be with Logan 

Kendall got in and looked at the hospital one last time before he left to go home and be with the kids cause he had to tell them the news that he was bedrest for the rest of the pregnancy and they will need to help out more. Plus Kendall was going to see if James and Carlos can take the kids for Kendall just in case he gets admitted to the hospital 

"Bye Logie bye boys" Kendall says as he looked at the hospital before pulling out to go home 


"Kids can you come here?" he asks as he came into the house

The kids came running or waddling to where daddy was cause they knew papa was in the hospital waiting on their brothers to come and join them 

"We are all here dad" Izzy says as she was getting the younger ones under control so Kendall could talk to them 

"Guys i am going to need you guys to help out more around the house until i have the baby" Kendall says as he picks up one of the little ones cause they wanted to be held 

"Why?" Izzy asks him 

"I am going to be on bedrest for a while cause my blood pressure is up and that could cause me to go into labor and have your baby sister early" Kendall says as he was going to get everything together just in case he had to go to the hospital and have the baby 

"Who will watch us?' Abby asks him 

"Uncle James or Carlos will watch you guys if i have to go to the hospital, and have to be monitored until i have the baby" Kendall says as he was still talking to the kids about what is going to happen for the time being until papa and daddy has the baby       

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