Isabel comes home

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Logan was excited cause today Isabel was going to come home, and he was going to have all three girls home with him where they belong

"I can't believe my little princess comes home today" Logan says happily

"Settle down Logie I know you are excited as I am that she is coming home to stay instead of being in that hospital" Kendall says as he comes in with the twins who wanted fed

Logan uses the football hold with the girls

"Eat up my darlings" Logan says as the twins nurse happily

Both girls were kicking their legs as they nursed

"I say the twins are happy today" he says as they continued to nurse

Kendall decided to stay in the room with Logan as he nursed the twins

"I can't believe you are actually nursing the twins" Kendall says to him

"The first time I nursed them I couldn't believe it either" Logan says as the girls still nurse

"Is it weird that you are feeding them?" Kendall asks Logan

"The first time it was, so I sent a sample of my milk to the lab to see if it was tainted or something. It came back with no results so it was okay for them to take" Logan says as he continues to nurse the babies

"At least the twins are getting nutrients from you instead of a bottle" Kendall tells him

"Yeah I want them to grow up big and strong without no problems whatsoever" Logan says as the nurse still nursed

After the twins were nursed Logan and Kendall burped them

"There we go that's what mommy wanted to hear from you two" he says after the girls burped

Kendall takes care of the girls diapers while Logan decided to pump a little bit cause when Isabel comes home she will be on bed rest for a couple of weeks cause her body was weak from a new virus

"Both girls are changed and ready to go see their sister" Kendall says as he comes back with the girls who were wide awake

"Okay let me finish up and we'll go and get Isabel" Logan tells him

"Take your time Logie you are still recovering from the births" Kendall tells him

Logan knew he was right  cause the girls were born two weeks ago, and they are still waking up at night to be fed and changed. Once he was presentable they headed to the hospital to get Isabel


"Daddy, papa" Isabel says when she sees them come into her room

Hey princess" Kendall says as he pushes the babies who were sleeping in the stroller

"Isabel are you ready to come home?" Logan asks her

Isabel nods happily

"Come on then papa will get you dressed since you still weak" Logan says as he carries her to the bathroom to dress her in a pretty outfit

Kendall took all of the balloons and everything that was in Isabel's room down to the van, so all they had to do was carry her out of the hospital

"There we go you look pretty as a picture Isabel Schmidt" Logan says as him and Isabel come out of the bathroom together

"Papa can you hold me?" she asks him

"Sure sweetie" he says as he picks her up while they wait on daddy to come back, and the nurse to bring in the release papers so they could go home

Logan missed Isabel's cuddles while she was in the hospital cause Isabel cuddles were the best of all

"What am i going to do when i come home papa?" she asks him

"I don't know what would you want to do?" he asks her

"Can i play tea party?" she asks him

"Sure but we are going have to play it on the couch cause you are on strick bedrest cause you are still recovering from being sick" he tells her when one of the twins woke up from their slumber

"Hey Kenna what's the problem doodle bug?" he asks as he lifts her out of the stroller to hold her

Kenna settled down when she was in mommy's arms

"It seems you were just lonely little one" he says as he rocks her in his arms

Logan brings kenna over to where Isabel was

"Mackenna i would like to introduce you to your big sister Isabel" he says as he shows Isabel the baby

Mackenna let's out a cute little yawn

"Hi Kenna I'm Isabel I'm your big sister I love you" Isabel says to the baby

"Isabel you can't kiss the babies for a while yet cause you are still sick and i don't them to catch it off of you" he tells her as Kendall comes into the room

"I wanna go home" Isabel says grumpily

"You will sweetie we just have to wait on the release papers, so you can come home" Kendall tells her

Isabel was getting more inpatient as the minutes ticked on

"You know what come on Isabel we are walking out of here cause i want you home" Logan says as he picks her up and carries her out of the hospital since her I.V was out of her arm

Isabel was really happy to be going home to be with daddy, papa and her baby sisters

"Hang on there where are you going with Isabel?" one os the nurses asks Kendall and Logan

"Taking her home cause we were told that she was going to be released today" Kendall tells the nurse as he pushes the babies

"Her doctor told us she can be released today cause she is all better" Logan tells the nurse

"Sorry but she has to go back to her room to wait to be released" the nurse says cocky

"She is only three years old she can't wait, so we are leaving with her" Logan says as he heads for the elevators with Isabel in his arms

The nurse was able to catch up to Logan and Isabel and stop them from boarding the elevator

"Sorry but rules are rules" the nurse says as she take Isabel from Logan

Isabel puts up one devil of a fight and the nurse let her go

"Come on Isabel let's go home, so we can play tea party

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