Logan's birthday part 4 preview

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Since i have to work here is a preview of the next chapter

"Abby you okay sweetie cause it looks like you are not okay with this?" Kendall asks as he was going to pull her aside for a minute to see if she needed some one on one time with hi

"Yeah i guess" Abby says as she was looking at him

"I know this is going to be a big adjustment for you and papa and me will be there for you every step of the way and we can explain things to you, and make you understand better" Kendall says as he was talking to her for a little bit to make sure she was okay with this whole subject

Abby was glad that daddy was going to be there for her and was going to be helping her with the adjustment

"Don't worry papa and me won't forget about you girls and we will set aside some time to be with you girls every day" Kendall says as he went back in the kitchen with her so they could finish the cake for Logan and decorate the house a bit as well cause they were going to be having the party that afternoon, and the cake needed to chill a little bit before the girls wrote happy birthday mama, mommy, papa, and Logan on it

Once the cake was decorated it went into the fridge to get chilled for a bit, and the icing could set as well before they cut into it

"Girls papa will love the cake that you made for him" Kendall says as they were going to decorate the house for the party, and blow up balloons for papa as well

The girls smiled as they went to help daddy decorate for the party 

"Okay girls i want you to hold onto the balloons after i blow them up, so they don't blow away" Kendall says to the girls after a while

The girls loved to play with the ribbon that daddy had for papa's balloon 

"Okay girls this is going to take some time, and after i tie them I want you girls to hold onto them" Kendall says to the girls as he was still blowing up the balloons for the party and he has to do the streamers as well and hang the banners that he picked up days before the party

The girls held onto the balloons after daddy tied them


"You girls were great helpers" Kendall says to them as he put the balloons around the room after a while

The girls smiled at daddy

"Okay girls go play for a little bit" Kendall says as he was looking at the girls 

The girls went to play since there wasn't much that they could do right now anyways as they went to play Kendall smiled at them cause they were too precious and too cute as well, but before long they will be older and not this cute   

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