Logan's birthday part 3

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Since tomorrow is Thanksgiving and i have to work two jobs, so I am not going to do a Thanksgiving chapter at all I am just going to say Happy Thanksgiving on the stories that i update on Thursday's cause i have no time to write at all, so here is part 3 of Logan's birthday, so enjoy and remember to either vote or comment at the end to let me know what you think of the chapter as always    

"I am wondering how is this going to work with both of us pregnant at the same time" Logan says as he was pushing one of the strollers while Kendall had the other stroller as they were on their walk that morning and they were going to stop for lunch down by the lake and maybe the girls can go fishing and if the girls catch something that will be their dinner that night cause Kendall and Logan will have to go into town for food the next day cause they only had a limited supply at the cabin and that was not going to last long at all with a lot of growing girls and two people that are expecting as well

"I am going to figure that out later on down the road Logan and you are going to be delivering before i deliver" Kendall says as they were walking still cause it was a lovely day outside and Logan was loving the nice weather, and the girls were gathering leaves for an art project that they were going to do later on when they got back to the cabin

"At least that's good" Logan says to Kendall as they were walking

"Yeah and i think we should move out here permanently and live in the cabin it's big enough for all of us and I can always expand the house to this mansion" Kendall says as he stops Logan

"You think it is a good idea Kenny uprooting the girls like this?" Logan asks him

"I think so Logie the girls can still go to school and no one will find us at all, and we can raise these kids in peace" Kendall says as they were heading back to the lodge after a while cause Logan started to get cold from the walk and he wanted to get warm as well and keep the triplets protected as well

"That's good can we move everything from the house to here Kenny so the girls can have their rooms?" Logan asks him as they walked

"Sure we can Logie anything for you" Kendall says as he kisses Logan

Once everyone was back at the house the girls decided to ice that cake that they did for papa for his birthday and they were going to have a birthday for papa much later once he was better and was up for celebrating his birthday this pregnancy was taking it toll on him completely 

"Girls do you need any help with the cake for papa?" Kendall asks them

The girls nodded cause they needed a bit of help with it 

"Okay I'll help you girls" he says as he was going to help the girls with the cake so they could have the party for Logan later on in the day since Logan was laying down for a moment since the pregnancy was starting to wear him out completely and he could not wait for it to be over and he has the triplets in his arms and Kendall could not wait to tell the girls about the babies that were going to be joining the family soon and he knew he had to tell them fast before they started to suspect that something was wrong with daddy as well 

The girls were grateful that they had daddy helping them with the cake so it was perfect for papa birthday celebration    

"Girls there is something that daddy needs to tell you girls" Kendall says as he was talking to the girls as they were working on the cake for papa 

The girls were listening as daddy was talking to them 

"You know how papa has three babies in his tummy" Kendall says as he was still talking to the girls as they started to work on the cake for later 

"Yeah" Abby says as she was looking at daddy to see what he needed to say cause she thought it is important and she needed to listen to him cause she was the good daughter

"Well I don't know how to say this, but daddy has a baby in his tummy too" Kendall says as he was showing the girls his bump that he had as well

Izzy was excited that she was going to be a big sister four time over, and she could not wait for the new baby to come as well 

"Abby you okay sweetie cause it looks like you are not okay with this?" Kendall asks as he was going to pull her aside for a minute to see if she needed some one on one time with hi 

"Yeah i guess" Abby says as she was looking at him

"I know this is going to be a big adjustment for you and papa and me will be there for you every step of the way and we can explain things to you, and make you understand better" Kendall says as he was talking to her for a little bit to make sure she was okay with this whole subject 

Abby was glad that daddy was going to be there for her and was going to be helping her with the adjustment 

"Don't worry papa and me won't forget about you girls and we will set aside some time to be with you girls every day" Kendall says as he went back in the kitchen with her so they could finish the cake for Logan and decorate the house a bit as well cause they were going to be having the party that afternoon, and the cake needed to chill a little bit before the girls wrote happy birthday mama, mommy, papa, and Logan on it 

Once the cake was decorated it went into the fridge to get chilled for a bit, and the icing could set as well before they cut into it

"Girls papa will love the cake that you made for him" Kendall says as they were going to decorate the house for the party, and blow up balloons for papa as well     

The girls smiled as they went to help daddy 

V & C

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