Seeing about baby girl part 2

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The nurse brings Logan down to the room to be with Kendall

"How's baby girl doing?" Logan asks as he touches Kendall's stomach where the baby was

"She is doing good my blood pressure high though" Kendall says to Logan

"Oh no" Logan says cause he was scared Kendall was going to get admitted as well and no one was going to take care of the kids

The doctors came in and they got started with the exam

"Baby girl is going pretty good right now i can feel that she is is head down and getting ready for delivery" the doctor says as he was feeling her in Kenndall's stomach 

"That's good" Kendall says as he was laid back and he was relaxed as well cause he loved feeling her move and kick as well inside of him cause she was a happy baby and will always be a happy baby as well 

"Let's see how she looks today guys cause i know you are itching to see her Kendall and can't wait to hold her in your arms in time" the doctor says to Kendall as he was going to get the ultrasound machine and check on baby girl for Kendall and Logan as well

Logan was excited to see baby girl that day and see who she looks likes and everything else and see if she has something wrong with her cause he was ready for that as well cause their family will be even special with her in it and make them feel like they are on top of the world as well 

"Kendall we have to do testing to see if she is going to have any birth defects in the long run and if she does you want to continue with the pregnancy? Or do you want to abort the baby" the doctor asks him

"I want to continue cause she is our baby girl and i love her too much to kill her now" Kendall says

"There she is" the doctor says when he found baby girl

"She is so tiny" Logan says when he sees her

"Is she suppose to be bigger or this size?" Kendall asks cause he was concerned about her as well

"She is suppose to be bigger and we will see what is going on next appointment" the doctor says to Kendall as he was checking baby girl a little more to see if she was okay still and right on schedule to come into the world when it came time for her to be born 

Kendall was scared something was wrong with their little girl and she was not going to be okay 

"Kenny we have to think good thoughts on her and she will be okay" Logan says as he looks at him as he was holding his hand as he was getting checked out by the doctor about their baby girl and if she was going to be normal or if she was going to be different 

"Okay her arms are okay but here is the problem" the doctor says as he gets o the bottom half of the baby girl and he was seeing her buttocks but he didn't see any legs and if they were separated at all 

"What is it?" Logan asks a little scared as he looks at the doctor as he was trying to stay calm as well 

"This is so weird" the doctor says as he was looking at the screen again as he was watching the screen as he was looking at the little girl as she was moving a little bit in the womb 

"What?" Kendall asks scared 

"Her legs are fused together, so when she is born she will have to have an operation to separate them" the doctor says as he looks at Kendall and Logan as he was looking at the screen again to make sure he was not wrong 

"How will se be born?" Kendall asks him 

"By c-secction then once you guys see her she will have her surgery to separate her legs so she can have a normal life" the doctor says to the gentlemen as they were a little scared for their little girl when she is born 

"Will she be able to walk?" Logan asks cause if she was not able to walk on her own they will have to get her a wheelch

"It's hard to tell right now she looks like she has some extra toes at the end and that should not be a problem" the doctor says as he looks at Kendall and Logan some more as he was looking at the little girl some more 

"She is healthy right?" Kendall asks him 

"Besides the legs and the toes she is perfectly fine time to go to 3D to see her a little better" the doctor says as he goes to 3D so Kendalla nd Logan can see their little girl some more before Logan goes back up to his room for the day and Kendall goes home to be with the kids  

"Logie she looks like you" Kendall says as he sees the little girl 

"She has your nose Kenny and your ears" Logan says as he was looking at Kendall as he saw the baby who was okay in t he 

"She has your mouth and your eyes Logie" Kendall says as he looks at their little girl who was going to be different and that was okay with Kendall and Logan cause they were going to love her no matter what happens to her in the future and they will always be there for her and her siblings will protect her as well when she is older from the big kids 

"Kendall i am going to admit you for a few days to monitor your blood pressure as well" the doctor says to Kendall

"Doc you can't do that we have the kids at home and the oldest can't be at home alone for a few years" Logan says to the doctor 

"Okay bedrest for you Kendall at home is the least i can do for now" the doctor says to Kendall 

"That i can do and i can cook sitting down and the girls can help me with the big stuff" Kendall says as he was cleaning the gel off of his stomach so he could go home and rest and come back with the kids so they can see papa and be with him for a little bit and then maybe Kendall can stay home with the kids until Logan has the boys 

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