Telling Kendall and Logan's dream

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After finding that he was with child Logan decided to go see Kendall and tell him that in a couple of months that he was going to be a daddy to a beautiful baby girl

"Hey Logan come on in" Kendall says opening the door for his friend

"Kendall I'm not going to beat around the bush with this I'm going to come right out and tell you I'm pregnant and it's yours" Logan tells him

"There is no way you are pregnant with my child" Kendall tells him

"Believe it i have the pictures to prove it" Logan says as he gets the sonogram pictures out of his wallet

"Logan i don't want to raise the baby with you, so i want you to leave right now" Kendall tells him

"Don't worry princess you still have me and you will always will" Logan says to his stomach as he heads home to go to sleep

That night Logan was looking at himself in the mirror, and couldn't believe how big he was already was

"Maybe I'm carrying twins" he says as he rubs his baby bump

Soon he feels a cricket run across his stomach

"Hello there sweetie" he says when he felt his little princess move within him

She was active that evening for some reason

"Mommy doesn't mind staying up with my little girl" he says rubbing his tiny bump

Logan sat somewhere and started talking to his little girl

"Don't worry sweetie when you are born you will be loved by everyone" he says as he grabs one of the story books that he picked up after he left the doctor's office that evening

Logan read to his little girl until she fell back asleep

"Night princess i love you" he says as he goes to bed

That night Logan dreamed of what his little girl looked like when she came out of him

(Logan's dream)

"Okay Logan the head the out would you like to see after i clean her up a little bit?" Dr. Buttercream asks him

He nods

Dr. Buttercream wipes the face and dries the dark hair that the baby had before letting Logan see

"Ah she looks so cute" he says when he sees her open her eyes for the first time as she was being born

"Three more pushes will do it Logan" Dr. Buttercream says to him

Logan couldn't wait until he saw his little girl for the first time in person instead of on the screen. Logan could feel her shift inside of him

"Ahhhhhh" he says when he feels her shift inside him

"Okay her shoulders are out one tiny push should do it" Dr. Buttercream says as she dries Dillion's shoulders and her upper body

Logan pushes one last time before he heard that cry

"Congrats Logan here is little Dillion" Dr. Buttercream says as she lays the baby on him

"Hi little Dillion Marie Henderson" Logan says when he dries her off a bit more

Dillion lets out a little cry

"It's okay princess" he says as he calms her cries

Logan got to cut her umbilical cord as well

"Welcome to the world Dillion Marie Henderson" Logan says when Dillion was wrapped up and handed to him

Dillion let out the cutest little yawn ever

"You sleepy sweetie?" he asks before he was hit with another contraction

Logan woke up from his dream

"Dillion Marie it sounds perfect" he says when he woke up from his dream

Even the little girl that was growing inside Logan liked the name that he said

"What you like the name Dillion?" he asks his bump

Dillion moved again

"Well i offically found a name for you sweetie" he says rubbing his little bump to get her to calm back down

Logan hummed a lullaby for Dillion to get her to go back to sleep

"Tommorrow i have to tell everyone else about you" he says as he continues to talk to her to get her to settle down

Dillion soon settled down and went to sleep

"Night sweetie i love you" he tells her as he goes back to sleep for the second time that night

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