Kendall and Logan see Isabel

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"Okay Mackenna we are going home sweet girl" Kendall as as he secures her car seat in the backseat

Once Mackenna was secured Kendall helped Logan into the van

"There we go mommy" Kendall tells Logan

"Don't call me that" Logan says to Kendall

Logan sat on the donut cause it hurt him to sit down

"Now to take Mackenna home to get her settle" Kendall says as they leave the hospital

"Yup then we can see Isabel" Logan says as he buckles himself in for the ride home

Logan was able to relax and enjoy the ride home in the van that Kendall bought


"Welcome home Kenna" Kendall says as he brings her into the house

"I'm going to unpack" Logan tells him

"That's fine I'm going to put Kenna down in her crib, and then I'll get a bag together for Isabel" Kendall tells him

Since Kendall wanted to get Logan to the hospital before Kenna came he forgot to pack a bag for her. Then after the twins came he was busy washing baby clothes

"Okay Isabel what would you want besides mommy and daddy with you" he says to himself as he looks at all her stuffed animals and everything

Kendall puts together a fun bag with all her favorite stuffed animals, toys, her favorite blanket that she had for a while, and she hated when she left daddy bring it home, so he could wash it cause she dragged it, took it in the sandbox, took it in the bathroom with her for bath, took it everywhere she went

"Don't worry sweetie daddy is bringing you another blanket, so you can hug it and it smells like me and mommy" he says as he packs it

Kendall gets her favorite tu-tu to wear and her robe and slippers to wear on her feet

"Kenny I'm ready to go see Isabel" Logan says as he enters Isabel's room

"Okay I'm coming" Kendall says as he grabs Isabel bag

Logan didn't want to leave her room, so he stayed in a little longer and remembered the first time Isabel saw her room. Then he tears up when he sees the picture that they had taken after they got her, and when he was still pregnant with the twins

"Logie it will be okay she will be home soon" Kendall says when he sees Logan start to cry

"I know why did it have to be her?" Logan asks between sobs

"I don't know I bet she misses us right now" Kendall tells him

"Yeah let's go" Logan tells him


Isabel was miserable and she wanted her mommy and daddy right then and now.

"I want my mommy and daddy" she says as she throws an tantrum for the nurses

"I think we better sedate her again" one of the nurses say

"No this time her mommy and daddy is on their way here, so we better ask to see if we can sedate her" another nurse says

Logan and Kendall didn't sign anything to sedate Isabel

"Mommy daddy" Isabel says when she saw them come into her room

"Hi princess" Kendall says under his mask

"Is mommy here too?" Isabel asks him

"Yes she is covering Kenna, so she doesn't get sick" Kendall tells her

"Oh okay" Isabel says as her and daddy hang out until mommy came into the room

"Hi Isabel" Logan says as he enters with Kenna in the stroller

"Mommy" Isabel says when she saw Logan

"Hey pumpkin how are you feeling?" He asks her

"Better mommy" she says happily

"That's good maybe soon you can come home to stay instead of being in the hospital

"Yeah I would like that a lot mommy" she says

"Me and daddy can plan to give you a proper welcome home" he tells her

Isabel was excited to have a special welcome home party just for her and her only

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