Surprise visit from Ed

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Penguin is having more nightmares of his dead mother, and reliving the events of her passing. He still is haunted by it wishing there was something he could do to change it but he knew he never could. He wakes up sweaty in the middle of the night and lays back down and sighs. He hears three knocks on the door. Then he hears a doorbell. He gets up and checks his clock. Its 1 in the morning. "Well, I suppose I won't be getting any sleep tonight anyways" Penguin says as he gets up and walks to the door to answer it. He opens it to see none other then Edward with a big smile on his face. "Hello Mister Penguin"! He says with a smile. "Ed, its 1 in the morning" Penguin says. Not that Penguin cared since Ed had some impeccable timing, as Penguin just was woken by nightmares. Which have been ruining his sleep.

"Oh, Im so sorry.. Did I wake you"? Ed asks. "No, I been having nightmares" Penguin says. "Of your Mother Mister Penguin"? Ed asks. "Yes, exactly that" Penguin says. "I do believe you may be suffering PTSD Mister Penguin" Edward says.  "It doesnt matter anyways" Penguin says stepping out of the house closing the door behind him. Penguin is barefoot and in his striped purple pjs, which are long sleeve and legged. His hair is a mess. Edward is standing in a dark green shirt, yellow button up, long brown pants, a brown vest, and a yellow necktie, and shined black shoes. He has his typical dork glasses and his hair is combed. Penguin noticed he is holding something behind his back. "Well, I have a suprise for you" Edward says and shows a bouquet from behind his back. "Remember you told me to visit your mothers grave, well I thought we could go say hello together" Ed says. "I know you have been missing her" Edward says. 

Penguin can not help but be touched by this show of kindness from Edward. The fact Ed would do something so kind for him out of the goodness of his heart. "Then we can have breakfast, or dinner, whatever it counts as at this hour" Edward says. "Ed, what place is going to be open at this hour"? Penguin asks. Ed looks away and thinks for a minute. "Hm... Perhaps.. Dennys!" Ed says looking back. "You, mean to tell me you came here at 1 in the morning, to distrupt me, not knowing if I was asleep so we could visit my mothers grave, and have breakfast" Penguin asks. "Yes, well it seemed like a good idea at a time, and if I just so happened to come during one of your nightmares, perhaps this is fate. Perhaps I was meant to be here" Edward says. "You and your silly ideas of fate Ed" he says. "You believe in God, and yet the idea of fate seems like nonesense to you" Penguin snorts. "Oh Ed, the things you say sometimes". "So come on! Get dressed! I sure she has missed you" Eddy says excitedly. Penguin could not help but find the odd random things Eddy did for him sometimes Endearing. "Fine" Penguin sighs. "I suppose I will get dressed, and try not to wake Victor, Im quiet unlike you Edward" Penguin says. "Feel free to come in though" Penguin says leaving the door open. Ed comes in and sits on the front couch and waits. 

Edward decides to follow Penguin into the room. Penguin had turned the light in his room on and left the door slightly cracked, so the light leaked into the hallway but not enough to reach the other doors. Penguin turns around to see Ed standing there and jumps as he wasnt expecting him. "What are you doing ED"? Penguin whispers harshly. "I cant see anything, theres light in here" Ed says. "Ed, would you stop being wierd for a minute"! Penguin says in frustration. Ed smiles "I cant be any other way, Believe me I tried" He says. "You are insufferable sometimes!" Penguin says with a sigh as he walks to the bathroom with the clothes he picked out and gets showered and dressed. He comes out and Ed is sitting on the bed. "Hi, Ed" He says. Ed smiles "Hi Penguin" he says. "Lets get going you adorable wierdo" Penguin says. "You think im adorable" Ed says as he leaves the room. "No, auctually I want to punch you in the throat most of the time, but then I realize how kind you are and it just melts my heart" Penguin says. "I dont really understand why women dont like you" Penguin says. "Well Barbara likes me" Ed says with a smile and they go out the second door and Penguin turns around to lock it behind them. "Barbara is already crazy though" Penguin says. "Well, cant say I not a little either" Ed says. 

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