Shiota Nagisa x Class 3-A! Reader (Fluff!)

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My Little Sugar Pie~

No ones POV

After class dismissal, (Y/n) skipped her way to Nagisa's house. She is still happy that Hiromi accepted her and was even proud of her, having a future daughter in law after all wasn't really bad at all.

"Nagisa-kun, Hiromi-san! I'm here!" She knocked the door for about three times before the door opened, revealing the mother.

"Ah, (y/n)-chan! Come inside, Nagisa is also in here, doing homework. Mind if you help him?"

"Yes sure auntie!" Hiromi then opened the door fully so the girl could enter. The (h/c) haired girl ran through the hall and slammed the bedroom door so hard that it made the blunette startled. (Y/n) engulfed Nagisa with a hug. "Nagisa-kun! Your mom said you need help with history, science and math! Here, lemme help you.." She said and started to scribble down some solutions, formulas and facts on a separate sheet of paper.


"That should to it!" She said happily as Nagisa close his notebook and put it inside his bag.

"(Y/n)-chan," The blunette called. The (h/c) haired girl turned to his direction, seeing him signaling her to come to him. She giggled at his blushing face and walked over.

Reader's POV

Nagisa's face got redder as I hugged him.

"I really love you, Nagisa-kun." I whispered as I nuzzle in his chest. He hugged back and rested his chin on the top of my head.

"I love you too." He whispered silently as he gently stroke my (h/l) (h/c) hair.

We got comfortable in our cuddling position until Aunt— err— mom shouted for dinner.


As we ate dinner, Mom Hiromi (yep) received a message.

"(N/n), your mom said that she and (f/n) won't be in the country so you have to stay here. Since its Friday, well get your uniforms tomorrow, ok?" She asked ever so sweetly.

This means overnight sleeping with Nagisa-kun and cuddling with him all night~! I mentally squealed as I nodded really hard. They laughed at my behavior as I blushed, realizing what I just did.

"I-Itakadimasu..!" I said, trying to escape from embarrassment, which failed. Oh how unfortunate for me.

"You're really cute, the two of you together." Me and Nagisa blushed as his mom let out a small chuckle.

"So, you finished your homeworks?" We nodded simultaneously.

"It was easy since Nagisa-kun pick up things fast." I added. We finished dinner and I helped mom (Hiromi) with the dishes which she insisted.

"Don't bother. Go and cuddle with Nagisa." She whispered to me and pushed me in Nagisa-kun's bedroom door. She opened it and ran to the kitchen. Upon opening it, the door revealed a Nagisa-kun changing clothes.

"Kyaaa! Gomen!" I exclaimed, smashing the door shut. I waited for few moments until he opened it for me and made an eye contact. I flushed, remembering what I saw.

"I-I'm going to get my c-clothes." I stammered as I headed to his closet. Yes, I have extra clothes in here in case I'm staying here and my parents need to go for work. He let out a low chuckle as I ran quickly to the bathroom to change.

While I'm the bathroom, I heard Nagisa-kun scream.


"Heh~? Really? Use protection~."

"I-ITS NOT WHAT YOU THINK, KARMA-KUN! WE'RE NOT GONNA DO THAT THING!! B-BAKA!" Nagisa screamed once again. I blushed. We're not gonna do it, right? I exit the bathroom revealing a blunette, banging his head on the table. He looked at me and blushed. What's happening here?

Nagisa's POV

I looked at her in her nightgown. She's cute and sexy— HELP YOURSELF NAGISA! I mentally slapped myself. I closed the laptop. And headed to my bed.

I hugged her and snuggled closer to her, nuzzling my head to her neck, inhaling her sweet scent she hugged me back and started to talk.

"Ne, Nagisa-kun,"


"Remember the day we first met, when I was crying over Gakushuu kun?" Oh yeah, Asano-san is her ex.

"Yeah? On the cliff right?"

"Yep. I also met the bug yellow octopus creature you guys named Koro-sensei. He's pretty funny." What?! I jolted up.

No one was about to know this!

"On that day, he told me to keep it classified or move to class 3-E." I nodded.

"Go on."

"And I'm planning to talk to the principal about transferring there. Besides, I can't bear to hide it. You know me, Nagisa-kun. Talkative." She laughed. Yeah, its true but..

"How about your parents?" I asked, worried if they'll be mad at her.

"They would be haply with us in the same classroom." She explained.

"Yeah right." I said, hugging her again, inhaling her again. She stroked my hair -since I let it down- and made me sleepy eventually.

"Goodnight (y/n). I love you." I said to her softly.

"I... Love... You... So... Much.... Nagisa-kun.." She said in reply. She's asleep. I put her in the bed and kissed her on her pink soft lips. I laid down beside her and tugged the blankets and lastly turned off the lampshade.

Assassination Classroom x Reader Oneshots (UNDER EDITING)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora