Chapter 1

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Tyson's POV:
Tick, tick, tick, that's the sound that fills my ears, the only noise that I can hear. Only five more minutes until that bell rings. That bell that leads to freedom. That bell that is a start of adventure. Those five minutes feel like five hours, five days, five weeks or even five months. I turn to my left and see my beautiful girlfriend Amy also staring at the clock. I then start to hear people chanting summer over and over again. I join in and before we all know it, the bell rings.
"Woohoo, Summer!" I yell and we all run out of the classroom.

Normal POV:
The school all runs outside cheering and dancing, summer break is finally here.
"Hey, come on guys, let's go to my place" Ash said
"Alright, let's go" Finnball agreed and they all went to Ash's house.
When they arrived they all cheered.
"I can not believe we have finished year 11 already" Tom stated
"Yeah sure is hard to believe" Dan said
"So what are you guys doing over the holidays?" Stampy asked
"I have nothing planned what so ever" Sqaishey stated
"Me neither" Lee added
"Yeah same, how about we all go on a holiday together?" James suggested
"Oh yeah, that would be awesome" Martyn agreed
"But where would we go?" Nicole asked
"Well I know a place I can book it for us all" Squid insisted
"There we go, place sorted" James said
"I can't wait for this holiday to begin" Netty said.

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