Chapter 24

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It was now nighttime. All quiet in the holiday house. You could only hear the sound of snores coming from the boys in the bedrooms and the whistling of the wind as it floated through the branches whispering to them as they went past. All was undisturbed until a presence filled the holiday home as someone was still awake, that someone, eager for revenge, that someone with a broken heart, torn in half right down the centre, that person was Squid. Squid opened door quietly and carefully making sure not to wake anyone up. He looked round the corner to check if the coast was clear and it was. He grabbed backpack and headed downstairs to the kitchen. He unzipped his bag and grabbed some snacks that would last him for a few days, drinks and lastly, a knife. A large sharp knife, drooling for the taste of blood, eager for for the kill. Squid put a casing over the knife so he wouldn't damage the blade or his bag and to stop it from stabbing him whilst it was in there. Squid also grabbed some money and his mobile phone and put them in his pockets. He looked round the room and checked that he had gotten everything and set off. He passed Nicole's bedroom and went inside. He looked at his girlfriend as she slept, her chest rising and falling with each breath she took. She looked peaceful, he would hate for her to get hurt or any of his friends so he had to end it, right there then, tonight was the night he would go in for the kill, tonight was the night of do or die. He bent down and kissed her forehead and left in to the dark, death awaiting street. He checked to see if the Carla still there and it sure was. He then kept walking down the street and he heard a car door open. His plan was working. He kept walking. Footsteps were then heard as the person closed in on him. She was getting closer. He hoped the plan would go as he had planned it. So close now. It was now or never. Bang! Darkness.

And again #sorrynotsorry for leaving that cliffhanger hehe

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