Chapter 13

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Today was the day of the surprise party and Tom was in charge of distracting Squid.
"Hey Squid, you fancy going to the skate park today?" Tom asked
"Yeah sure, I'm up for it, let's go" Squid said as they both left with their skateboards.
"Operation surprise is a go" Amy said as she watched the two brothers leave.
They then started decorating the lounge room in blue and started to make a sign saying surprise. Ash and Finnball were blowing up balloons, Dan and Stampy were putting up streamers, Sqaishey and Lee were making the sign, James and Martyn were preparing food and drink, Nicole, Netty and Snake were on lookout.

At the park:
Tom was recording Squid doing loads of trips on his phone and when it was Tom's go, Squid would record him. Squid was really good at skateboarding since he did it in his spare time and Tom could do some crazy tricks as well. After about half an hour, Squid stacked it.
"Squid you alright?" Tom asked bending down next to his brother.
"Yeah I'll live, it's just a few scratches" Squid said
"Good sport" Tom smiled and they continued skating.
After another 5 minutes, Squid staked it again
"Mate, are you sure you are alright, you've staked it again in 5 minutes?"
"Tom, I said I am fine, can't you take yes for an answer?"
"I'm just trying to look out for you"
"Yeah, I know but, sometimes you gotta give me space"
"Woah, where is that coming from?"
"I don't know, but it's true"
"You know what never mind" Tom said and continued skating.
"Can we just go home now?"
"Yeah sure what ever" Tom said and they started to skate home.

At the holiday house:
They were half way there with the decorations which looked really amazing. The food was prepared and so were the drinks. They only had to put up a few more balloons and the sign and they were done.

With Squid and Tom:
Tom and Squid had been skating home for at least 5 minutes so far until they reached a crossing and Tom told Squid to stop.
"Tom, I know when to stop, you don't need to tell me" Squid said
"Well, it didn't look like it, now let's cross" Tom said.
They started to cross when suddenly, bang!

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