Chapter 28

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Tyson's POV:
Suddenly, I hear someone coughing. I turn to left to see Tom, coughing his lungs up. I jump up and then run over to him.
"Tom your awake!" I yell
"Tyson what happened?" Tom coughed
"You were hit by a car and you've been in a coma for two weeks, you've missed so much"
"What, I've been out for that long, what have I missed and why are you here"
"I can explain later but I got to call the others to tell them the good news and I better tell your doctor that you're awake".
I then call Ash.

Ash's POV:
"It's Tom" Tyson says to me
"What about him?" I ask
"He's awake"
"What no way, since when?"
"5 minutes ago, how's Squid going is he there?"
Ash froze.
"Ash you there mate?"
"Um, about Squid, he's not here, he ran away to find Ricki and she has him and he'll be dead in four hours from now"
"He what? Why would he do that?"
"I guess he had enough"
"Well you need to find him, this will stop him, Tom being awake will help Squid"
"We're going to look for him now, you should tell Tom what's going on"
"I'm going to"
"Ok I've gotta go now so we can head off, see you later tonight"
I hang up and tell the others the great news and then we head off to find Squid.

Squid's POV:
"Your times up" I someone say from behind me.
I turn round to see Ricki holding a gun pointing it at me. I freeze, this brings back bad memories, about the time I saved Ash. I started shaking in fright, I was not expecting this but I try not to show my fear, I have to kill her.
"I thought you went out" I say
"Yeah well, I only parked the car down the road" Ricki smirked at me.
"Ok well, you got me, caught me red handed, what do you want?"
"First, put the phone back down, then, step out side the office".
I did as I was told and stood outside but with a plan lingering at the back of my mind.
"Now, on the ground!" Ricki ordered
"That'll be the last thing I do" I say and turn around, knife in hand and I go at her.
This is the fight to the death.

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