Chapter 7

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The next day, they all wanted to forget about yesterday and wanted to have some fun. Tom had an idea and discussed it with the others that morning.
"So, I was thinking that we could all go to the theme park nearby and have some fun there, what do you guys reckon?" Tom asked
"That sounds awesome, let's do it" Dan agreed
"Yeah, I dibs driving" Stampy said as they all ran outside to the car.
It took them 15mins to arrive but when they did, they immediately went straight to the rides. Squid and Tom decided to wait whilst the others went on a bouncy ride since they both couldn't those types of rides.
"Woohoo, that ride was fun" Sqaishey cheered
"Yeah it sure was, what's the next ride?" Lee asked
"How about let's go have some lunch then continue with the rides" James suggested and they all nodded and went to some hot food.
"I'm so glad we came here today, it's like the best theme park I have ever been to" Martyn stated
"Yeah same" Nicole agreed
"Hey guys, I'll be right back, I just got to buy myself a drink" Squid said as he got up and left.
On his way to the e drink stand, he gotta text saying watch out and looked up and was pushed against a wall.
"Ow, who did that?" Squid asked
"Me of course" someone said and pushed him again
"Hey stop, stop it!" Squid yelled as he was pushed to the ground.
"I warned you David but you didn't listen, you told everyone, so you shall pay, but it will be when you least expect it" the person said and was gone.
"Ricki" Squid whispered to himself and got out his phone and texted Tom saying we are leaving now, meet you all at the car.
Squid then got up and ran.

With Tom:
He got a text from Squid and was confused.
"Come on guys, we're leaving right now" Tom ordered
"What why?" Netty asked
"Squid said, wait a minute, he went to get a drink by himself, come on we have to hurry, he could be in trouble" Tom said and started running and was followed by the others.
When they reached the car, Squid was sitting in the front passenger seat and looked a bit scared and rather confused
"Hey Squid, you alright?" Tom asked
"Yeah I'm fine let's just go" Squid mumbled and the they all drove home.

Squid was quiet all the way back to the house.  Tom knew something was up but didn't know what. As soon as they got back, Squid went straight to the room he was staying in and just sat in a corner and stared at nothing. He didn't know what he felt, it was a mixture of distress, fear, confusion and sadness. He was now always on the edge. Now he would have to look over his shoulder to see if it was safe. He started looking through his photos he had in a book he had and saw a picture with himself, Heath, Ricki, Bianca and Casey in it. He then closed the book and threw it. Squid started to cry uncontrollably. He couldn't stop. Why was this happening? Why him? Squid couldn't take this. He stood on his window sill and prepared to jump from a great height until he looked towards the wall where the book had landed and it was open to a page of himself and the others. He couldn't do this to them, he just couldn't so he hopped off of the window sill and slid down the wall and continued to cry.

Tom was sitting quietly in the lounge room and was staring into space.
"Tom, you alright?" Snake asked
"No, it's just Squid, I don't know what's wrong with him" Tom sighed
"None of us do mate, since he can't tell stuff, there's nothing much we can do for him"
"Yeah I know but I'm worried for him, what if something happened today that we don't know about?"
"Who knows, we can't always be there for him, we know he's been through a lot but, sometimes, we just won't know what is going on in the world, in his world, in his life, that's that, let's try not to worry about this too much, she might back off a bit if we do, pretend nothing was ever happening"
"Yeah it might work, I'm gonna hit the hay, night"
"Night" Snake said as Tom left.
This was the worst holiday any of them had ever had.

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