Chapter 9

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The next day they all headed out to the shops. When they got there they decided to split off into groups. Dan, Stampy and Sqaishey; Lee, James and Martyn; Nicole, Squid and Netty; Snake, Tyson and Amy; Ash, Finnball and Tom.

Dan, Stampy and Sqaishey:
"So what do you guys fancy doing?" Dan asked
"How about a movie?" Stampy suggested
"Yeah, can we go see Jurassic World please" Sqaishey begged making both the boys laughed and they agreed.
After the two hour long movie, they came out happy.
"That movie was brilliant" Dan stated
"10 out of 10, would Jurassic World again" Stampy said
"What now?" Sqaishey asked.

Lee, James and Martyn:
"Let's go to the arcade" Lee stated
"I'm up for that" James agreed
"Dibs on choosing the first game" Martyn said running off.
They played basketball, air hokey, guitar hero and may other games for like an hour and were then trading in their tickets for prizes.
"Look at this nerf gun I won" Lee said showing off his gun
"Yeah, I won a remote control car" James stated
"Well, I got a darts set" Martyn said
"We all got cool stuff, the others are going to be so jealous when we show them this stuff" Lee said.

Nicole, Squid and Netty:
"Strike!" Nicole yelled as she knocked all the pins down.
"How?" Squid asked jokily "skills that you haven't got" Nicole laughed "oh really?" Squid questioned and showed off by bowling the ball between his legs and knocking all the pins down. "You mean skills that I have passed" Squid smirked "well, I'm still in the lead with about 5 strikes" Netty laughed "that's because your a hacker" Nicole said "how can I hack bowling?" Netty questioned "I don't know, you just are" Nicole shrugged. In the end, Squid ended up taking the win and Nicole came last. "I won" Squid cheered "well, I let you win" Netty and Nicole both said "no, I'm just the best" Squid smirked.

Snake, Tyson and Amy:
"Wow, I really need to get this pair of Nikes" Snake stated trying on a pair of Nikes. "Yeah, I'm going to buy a few exercise shirts so I can get fit and for when sport captain starts going to Squid's head" Tyson laughed "trust me, that won't happen" Amy said as she looked through the swim gear "well I'm not taking any chances" Tyson smirked "come on, let's buy this stuff and get out of here" Snake said as they grabbed their things and walked to the counter to purchase their items.

Ash, Finnball and Tom:
"Who knew Chinese could taste so good" Ash said
"See, I told you that you would like it" Finnball said smiling
"I still can't believe you have never eaten Chinese before Ash" Tom stated astounded
"Well, when you don't get take away much other than when your with your friends, you can understand why I haven't had it before" Ash laughed
"After this, let's go to the geographical store, it looks pretty good" Finnball suggested.

After being at the shops for three hours, they all headed home and showed off their purchases when they arrived.
"It was good to get out today" Dan said
"Yeah it was, I had loads of fun" Stampy said
"We should do that more often" Sqaishey stated and they all agreed.

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