Chapter 40

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The next day, Squid and Tom were picked up by Sqaishey because she was the only one who had finished packing her stuff. They then arrived back at the holiday home. After another hour, everyone was in the lounge room well, not everyone.
"Hey, where is Squid and Tom?" Lee asked
"Don't know, I think they're upstairs still" James said
"For an hour, doing what?" Martyn questioned
"I might go and check on Squid, Netty, how about you check on Tom" Nicole suggested and the girls went upstairs. Nicole found Squid in his room still not packed, lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling.
"Hey, why aren't you packing?" Nicole asked
"Oh, hi Nicole and I am packing just, thinking at the moment" Squid said
"About what?"
"Stuff, what's happened all holiday, I feel like I've ruined it for everyone"
"Squid you haven't, in fact this brought the group closer, especially you, Tom and Tyson"
"Yep, everyone put in their share of the work to help you through this, we know how tough a time you were having, but it's all over now"
"Yeah, and I'm glad it is but next week, we have to face school, in fact year 12"
"Yeah but, we're a team, we can do this together"
"She's right you know" Tom said from the door way with Netty by his side.
"Yeah, we are all in this together" Netty said
"We agree!" Snake yelled from downstairs making them all laugh
"Thanks guys, for being there for me" Squid said
"No problem" Nicole said as she kissed Squid "now let me help you finish packing".

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