Chapter 21

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Whilst everyone else was watching a movie, Squid decided to go outside into the front yard, so he got up and left. When he was out there, he saw a car parked on the opposite side of the road, the same car that had been there since they got there, the same car that hit Tom. Squid had a clue who it was and saw a motorbike in the garage and grabbed the helmet put it on and he then saw the car start to drive away ever so slowly and he revved the engine and drove off after the car as it sped away. It kept on trying to lose him. It was now a wild goose chase.

Everyone was watching the movie until they heard an engine start up and they looked to see that Squid was gone and Tyson ran to the window to see Squid racing after another car which was trying to get away from him.
"What the hell is he doing?" Tyson asked as he ran out the door and got in a car and drove off after Squid.
The others just waited.

With Squid:
He was still chasing the car down a long street. He was on a good run but, the driver had other ideas. The car suddenly stopped and Squid had to put on the brakes and just slightly hit the car. This gave him a chance to look in the mirror and he saw what looked like Ricki. He then started to reverse as the door began to open. As soon as the driver had one leg outside the car he sped aiming for the driver and took off the door to the car. As soon as Squid was about to come back again for more. The driver pulled out a gun and started shooting but to Squid's luck, Tyson pulled up in front of Squid just as the bullets were about to hit him.
"Get in!" Tyson yelled and Squid got in the car and they sped off still with the driver shooting at them. "What the hell were you thinking Squid, you could have gotten yourself killed!"
"I almost had her Tyson, I almost had her" Squid stated
"And you would've been dead because of her, stop trying to get yourself into trouble, you are not going anywhere by yourself  from now on, understood?"
"Your not my mum" Squid said as he jumped out of the car as they drove into the driveway.
Squid barged into his room and locked the door. Tyson then walked in and flopped onto the couch and everyone looked at him.
"Squid is not allowed to go anywhere by himself from now on until this has been sorted" Tyson said
"Why?" Martyn asked
"Oh, you'll never believe who he was chasing"
"Who was he chasing?" Nicole asked
"None other than Ricki herself"
"What is she doing here?" Netty asked
"I don't know but he took off the door of her car and he almost got shot but luckily I came just in time" 
"Well no offence to Squid but, he has just shown how stupid he is" Snake stated
"Yep, he sure did"

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