Chapter 39

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"You were in a fire" Amy stated
"What, I'm meant to be going to jail for three years and I was in court" Squid said confused
"Well you weren't, you must've been dreaming, you've been out for like a week"
"What? But it felt so real, you were all there"
"I don't know but, that never happened"
"Where is everyone else?"
"Outside do you want them to come in?"
Amy then brought the others inside.
"Where's Tyson and Tom?" Squid asked
"Tyson is in Tom's ward and Tom is still in a coma" Amy said
"Why is he asking this?" Ash asked confused
"He think he's meant to be going to jail for three years and that he was in court"
"But I killed Ricki didn't I?" Squid questioned
"No Squid, you didn't, she died in the fire"
"I am so confused"
"Well, we all better head back to the house and start packing our stuff, we are already a day late of being out of their and your parents are worried sick" Finnball said
"I'll be back tomorrow to pick you up ok" Finnball said and they left leaving Squid confused.
"Guys, guys, guys!" Tyson yelled as he ran in
"What is it Tys?" Dan asked
"Tom's awake"
"What no way" Stampy said
"Squid your awake as well"
"Yeah I am and I'm confused, I don't know what's happening" Squid said as he started to cry
"Hey mate don't cry, it's alright, I know this is a lot to take in"
"It's more complicated then that, I was in court and was sentenced to three years in jail"
"Well, at least that didn't happen in real life and one more thing"
"Tom would really like to see you"
"Ok, can we go and see him?"
"Yeah, follow me but take your time".
Tyson and Squid then walked into Tom's ward and as soon as Squid saw his brother, everything that had happened came to him and the dream went away. He stumbled when this happened.
"Squid, you alright mate?" Tyson asked.
Squid then looked up.
"I remember" Squid said
"Remember what?" Tyson asked
"Everything, the car accident, you getting stabbed, the fire, it's too much"
"Hey it's alright, looks like this is doing you some good, Tom's just in there"
"I'm scared"
"I know but, there's no need to be"
They then walked in. Squid had tears in his eyes, his brother was finally awake.
"Tom?" Tyson asked
"Yeah" Tom replied
"Someone's here to see you"
Squid then stepped forward
"Squid, your alright" Tom said
"Same goes to you" Squid cried as he hugged his brother
"How have you been?"
"Not good, I've missed you so much, it's not been the same and so much has happened"
"Well, you better start telling me then".
Tyson and Squid then told Tom everything and he was gobsmacked.
"Wow, I'm so glad it wasn't you who died in the fire" Tom said
"Yeah but,he's been out for a week and we were meant to leave the house yesterday but we couldn't because of both of you" Tyson explained
"Well, I can't wait to get out of here".

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