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Yep I had no clue I was THIS close to finishing the second book. Wowsers...
One week later:
Tyson was asleep in bed when suddenly.
"Wake up Tyson!" Tom yelled from the door way.
"Go away" Tyson moaned and then he felt someone jump on him.
"Oof! Squid get off of me!" Tyson yelled
"We have school now, come on, we're meeting up with the guys at the park, we only have one hour" Squid said as he pulled Tyson out of bed.
"Ok fine, now let me get changed!" Tyson yelled making Squid dart out of the room.
Squid and Tom were watching TV waiting for Tyson to get ready and then they left once Tyson jumped in front of the TV and they raced each other to the park where everyone else was waiting.
"You guys ready for the challenge of year 12?" Amy asked as she held Tyson's hand
"Sure are" Ash said
"Yeah, it's going to be great" Finnball agreed and before they knew it, they were all standing in front of the familiar place called school.
"Let's do this" Tom said and they took their first step back into the school grounds.

Next book will be out tonight and it will be called Senior Years (up top is the cover of it).

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