He's only that way when-

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"Fab fucks up his hand first tour, and now you fuck up your knee for this one. You guys are the worst!" I laughed.

Everyone joined in my laughter except Julian.

"Shut up, A.L.," Julian mumbled, practicing on his crutches.

"We hurt ourselves so Ryan can bother you," Nick said, putting his arm around my waist.

"Hey, hands off my woman, Nick. Don't think I'm not afraid to shove this crutch up your ass," Julian said hostilely, hobbling over to us.

"Woah," Albert snickered, raising an eyebrow, "Someone's being over-protective, and he's only that way when-"

"Anyone want coffee? My treat, since your going on tour and stuff," I said, cutting Albert off. I glared at Albert, and he pretended to lock his lips together.

"Can I come too?!" Fab asked excitedly.

"Calm down Fab, it's just coffee," I grinned, locking arms with him.

We walked out the office and trekked our way to the nearest coffee shop.

"What was Albert talking about that you so desperately decided to get us coffee?" Fab questioned me. I stared at him innocently.

"You guys-"

"Can we change the subject please?"

I begged him.

"Why are you so nervous about it?"

"Because it was my first time and Albert sorta interrupted us and I don't think I'd like to share it or let anyone know about that, alright?"

"At least share with your bestest friend in the whole wide world!" Fab smiled, jumping around like an excited 6 year old. "Is that why Julian's knee-"

"Julian's knee is like that because he fell down," I replied.

"But how was it?"

"I dunno," I turned away, trying to hide my face because I could feel the heat reaching my cheeks.

"Aww, you're blushing! It was that special, huh?"

I sighed as I opened the door for the shop.

"You have no idea."


"Took you guys long enough!" Nick smiled, snatching the tray out of my hands. I felt my hands form into fists as Julian hobbled over and hugged me from behind. He rested his chin on my shoulder and I relaxed a bit.

"Interesting, he wasn't able to do that a week ago," Albert grinned.

"Shut it, Hammond Jr."

"Yeah, shut the fuck up Albert," Fab yelled, jumping on top of him and playfully punching him. Nikolai shook his head and started walking out.

"Idiots," I heard him mumble to himself, which made laugh harder than I was suppose to.

As I watched the two guys fight and Nick endorse them, I felt Julian's breath by my ear, which caused me to stop breathing.

"Can you come over tonight? Albert will be gone this time, and I'll make sure of it," he whispered.

"Isn't your knee fucked up enough?" I whispered back.

"We can work around that," he replied, planting a kiss on my neck.

"Hey, look!" I heard Albert say, smiling intensely at Nikolai who had just ran in with the new album, Room On Fire.

"I got the copies for you, A.L.! I got them from Ryan just now since he won't have time cause wedding preparations and stuff," Nikolai said, handing me the vinyl.

"You didn't have to get them for me! I was already gonna ask Ryan, but since you so politely got them for me, thank you," I smiled, kissing him on the cheek. He turned bright red.

"Someone has a crush!" Albert grinned.

"That's it Albert," replied Nikolai, running over and jumping on top of him.

"Yeah, beat him up Nikolai!" Fab cried out.

Julian started hobbling over to them but I grabbed onto his arm.

"I'll be over at 8:30, good enough?" I whispered to him.


A/N: Hey guys!

Here to another chapter, and by the time you read this, 1000 reads!

Thanks to all of you who keep reading this!

Anyways, leave comments or somethin'! I don't know, I'm no good at author's notes.

New chapter soon!

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