Before I Let You Go

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11:06:45 p.m.

11:06:46 p.m.

11:06:47 p.m.

I squinted at Ryan's clock from the couch in his hotel room, higher than a cloud. Ryan said I should stay in his room tonight while he went out so I could "cool" off, but instead after searching the depths of his bag I found Albert's "secret" stash of weed brownies he had bought earlier and had a ball. Now I was seeing things, the room was spinning, and I couldn't feel myself pinching myself.

I was out there, slowly losing control of my body.

11:34:01 p.m.

11:34:02 p.m.

I raided the fridge in hopes of anything to eat because I felt sick again, which wasn't normal to me. But off course, I wasn't the one to always eat weed brownies, so I brushed it off. But then weed started taking over again, and I started wondering about all the possibilities of what could be wrong.

Stomach flu? No, that couldn't be right, I was perfectly fine till 3 (2 in NYC) days ago. Food poisoning? No, I hadn't really eaten for the few days. What if...

Shut the fuck up brain.

You shut up, Annabel Lee, should of been more protected.

Fuck off brain!

12:00:01 a.m.

12:00:02 a.m.

12:00:04 a.m.

The effects of weed was wearing off, and now I was pacing the room back and forth, worried and a bit afraid. I was alone, I needed someone.

12:10:34 a.m.

12:10:38 a.m.

I had called Fab ten minutes ago, shaking like a wet dog. A knock went on the door and like an excited puppy I ran towards it, opening it in one swift movement.

"Woah. Your eyes are super blood shot. Are you stoned?" Fab asked.

"Yeah, a bit, you brought the thing?"

"With a little shame, yes. Julian should be doing this with you," Fab said worriedly.

"You get him then," I retorted, grabbing the bag from Fab's hand.

12:17:58 a.m.

12:17:59 a.m.

12:18:00 a.m.

I thought this said 3-5 minutes? It's been 4! I yelled in my head. I tapped my fingers against the sink. I closed my eyes with hope and apprehension. I looked, and there was one small line, the line of joy for me and the line of sadness for some.

My stomach twisted into knots. I couldn't be too sure, so I took out the next one and did it again.

This time, it came up in 2 minutes. It was 1 line.

Now there were tears streaming down my face and I flung open the door, Fab relaxing and a half asleep Julian.

"Well?" Fab asked.

"No diapers yet, man."

"Are you sure?" Julian asked, holding up a pregnancy test with 2 lines.

"Wait, WHAT?"

I felt myself hit the floor from waking up so fast. Was I asleep? I looked around. Ryan was busy snoring in his bed, the sun was peeking through the red curtains, and the clock read 7:34 a.m.

I must of fallen asleep and dreamt the weird scenario in my head.

I stood up, a bit wobbly, and made my way to the door.

"See you later, Ryan," I whispered, opening the door and closing it quietly.

I dashed to the elevator and soon I was one floor above Ryan and in front of the hotel room me and Jules shared. However it being quiet, I could hear the sound of guitar strumming and humming. The door was creaked open a bit, so I peeked through.

However, with being clumsy, I pushed open the door from losing balance, causing Julian to stop and stare at me. His eyes were red and puffy. He was crying...

But he turned back to his guitar and said:

"Nikolai and I have been working on this for a while. I finally came up with the lyrics."

He started strumming again, this time replacing the humming with words.

"First you're worried,

Then you're hurried

Don't think that everything

is gonna stay the same

That's impossible.

Before I let you go

Let me look at you

Don't you worry

You will help me

Killing lies, killing lies,

Killing lies, killing lies."

He stopped strumming and instead started to quietly sob, his tears falling and sliding off the guitar.

I stood there frozen. I didn't know what to say, whether to console him or leave.

I gulped, walking over to him, hearing my brain shout 1000 no's. But I was already in front of him, squatting so I could see part of his flustered face.

"Jules, don't-don't cry. I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere, okay?"

"You should go cause I'm such a fucking idiot."

"You're not, alright? I'm the asshole. I've should of listened to what you had to say."

"It's the alcohol. Now it's not only the music it's affecting, but it's us too. I have to quit," he mumbled slightly. I took his hand he had his pick in into mine, squeezing gently.

"I love you Julian. And it's not that stupid puppy dog love shit. I truly love you. Everyone, especially Nick, would think I'm a fool for coming back to you. Well, let them think what they fucking want to."

"What do you mean especially Nick?"

"You don't worry about 'em, I talk way too much."

Julian laughed at the song reference, bringing his free hand to my cheek with a sigh.

"I'm so tired," he grumbled.

"Come on then," I smiled, pulling him off the couch and pushing him onto the bed.

1 down, one to go.

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