|| Monster..? ||

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Bomi's POV:

"Remember Bomi, don't talk with guys, they only want to use you." I nodded at my mom who ruffled my hair and she smiled at me with her hands on my cheeks.

"Be careful, alright?" She asked and I nodded again, before walking out of the door.

Before walking to school, I decided to stop by the fountain which stood in the park, not that far from my house.
I looked at the water and found a coin in my jacket.

"I want to be brave enough to talk to a guy.." I mumbled and flipped the coin into the fountain, watching it sink to the ground.

After doing that, I started walking off to school and I placed an earbud in my ear as I sighed.

It has always been like this. My mom doesn't trust guys anymore and I don't even know why, I just know that I'm not allowed to talk with them.

I looked at the ground as I saw more and more people.
I wasn't afraid of people, I just didn't like guys, or I thought so.
For as long as I can remember I've only talked with girls, because guys are monsters, as mom says.

I looked up to see a group of guys in front of me and I quickly looked down and walked by them really fast.


I looked at the clock and felt panic fill my body as I realized that I might not catch the bus. I packed my things faster and ran out of the classroom and out of the school.

I began running towards the bus which was standing still right now and I didn't care about anything at the moment, I just wanted to catch the bus.

I wasn't paying attention and I ended up running directly into a person - not like you see in movies where it's romantic and stuff like that, I literally ran into the person - and fell.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry!" I didn't have to look up to know that it was a guy and I felt myself freeze. I looked up and stared directly into the eyes of a guy before looking away.
I opened my mouth as to say something but quickly closed it again.

"Remember Bomi, don't talk with guys, they only want to use you."

My mom's words echoed in my head but I opened my mouth again before looking up, looking into the boy's eyes again.

"Are you a monster?" I asked the boy in front of me and he looked at me weirdly before shaking his head and he held out his hand for me.

I looked at his hand before standing up and he looked away slightly embarrassed. "I'm not a monster.." He mumbled and rubbed his neck. I looked up at the bus which was now driving away and I groaned.

"Did you miss you bus? I'm so sorry!" He exclaimed and I shrugged with a sigh.

"Ehm, my name is Jisung. What's your name?" He gave me an awkward smile and I nodded. "Bomi.." I wanted to talk with him but I couldn't help but repeat the words my mom had told me.

"Eh, do you want me to walk with you?" He asked to which I shook my head and he looked away.

"I feel really bad for making you miss your bus and making you fall.. So can I get your number and I'll come up with an apology?" He talked a lot and I nodded even though I didn't really know what I agreed to.

"Then what's your number?" I widened my eyes and pointed at myself making him sigh and nod.

I quietly told him the numbers and he gave me this weird smile before walking off.
"You just talked with a boy.." I mumbled to myself.

People would think I'm pretty weird for being so awkward as I was but I really don't talk with guys - my school is only for girls so I don't even have any male classmates.

I shook my head and began walking home.


"Why are you so late? You didn't talk with any boys, did you? Did you get into an accident?" My mom took my face in her hands and looked at my body making me roll my eyes.

"I missed the bus. No and no." I know I lied about the talking part but she would flip if I told her and decided to keep quiet.

"Good, you're my baby and I wouldn't be able to live with the thought of you getting hurt.." She hugged me and I wriggled out of her arms. I felt my phone vibrate and froze slightly as my mom looked at me.

"Who is it?" I laughed awkwardly - fearing it would be Jisung and shrugged.
"I'll just do my homework! It's probably Dahye!" I ran into my room before she could ask more questions.

I closed the door and locked it before looking at my phone and as expected, it was Jisung.

'Hey, Bomi. I'm really sorry about what happened earlier and when I've thought about an apology, I'll text you it, okay?'

He also writes a lot.
Talks and writes a lot.

'Okay.' I sighed and decided to turn off my phone.

It would be a lot easier if I didn't run into him and I wouldn't feel bad for lying.


Jisung's POV:

"And she didn't talk much, huh?" Jaemin asked and I shook my head.

"I don't think she has that much experience with talking to boys." I mumbled and looked back at how she kept looking down and even asked if I was a monster - I didn't tell the others about that.

"She was quite cute though.." I mumbled to myself and I heard Donghyuck snicker.

"What was that?" He asked moving closer and I pushed his face away from me.
"I didn't say anything.." I mumbled and he rolled his eyes before shrugging.
I looked at my phone to see a message from her.

'Okay.' I sighed as I read the one word.

I need to make her open up.

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