|| This Is.. ||

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An extra chapter for those who couldn't get enough, hehe~

Bomi's POV:

"Could you stop, for just a second?" I laughed and pushed Jisung away from me.

"But loveee! It's our second anniversary, so pay attention to mee!" He dragged out the 'e' in 'love' and in 'me', only making him seem more clingy, than he already was.

It seriously had been two years and trust me when I say this, Jisung matured, a lot.
His shy nature got pushed aside after our first anniversary and he was a lot more loving now.
He did have his shy moments though, but not as often as before and when he was shy, he was really shy.

"Well, if you hadn't distracted me, I would've been done with this essay ages ago!" He didn't seem to care much about my words as he wrapped his arms around me and buried his face in the crook of my neck.

I was sitting against his chest as I tried to write the last details on my essay, but I couldn't concentrate, when I had a boyfriend clinging on to me like a koala - I admit, it was quite cute.

"Love.." He mumbled, but focusing on the writing on my computer, I ignored him, only making him whine some more.

"Love, don't ignore me.." He placed an innocent kiss on my neck, which made blood rush to my face.

I pushed him away slightly, only for him to wrap his arms around me once again, but this time with a tighter grip, making me stay in place.

"Jisung, please.. I really need to get this over with. I'm almost done!" I exclaimed, making him sigh and he stopped kissing my neck.

I was a hundred percent sure that my face was as red as a tomato, but when I was with Jisung all he did was make me flustered and he seemed to enjoy it way too much.

"Which teacher?" He looked down at my computer and started reading some of it, only to be pushed away by me for the third time today.

"Miss. Kim." I replied, making him scrunch up his face and bury his face in my neck again.

"She's strict.. Wait, is it that one we were assigned to write two weeks ago?" I could clearly hear that he was teasing me and I laughed awkwardly.

It wasn't my fault I didn't have the time to write it when Jisung always wanted to hang out, even if he had practice did he want to hang out, which then got him in trouble.

"You already finished yours?" He nodded his head at my question and I honestly didn't know why I was this surprised. We had two weeks to write it and it was supposed to be handed in tomorrow - why hadn't I started yesterday, when I wasn't with Jisung?

"By the way, love. You spelt 'inappropriately' wrong." He sent me a wink and with a peck on my cheek, he stood up, before stretching his arms above his head.

"I'm gonna get something to drink, want some?" I nodded my head and turned my attention to my essay.

I had to finish writing this, so I could cuddle with Jisung or something.

Not paying attention to anything else but what I was writing, I didn't even see Jisung sit down beside me once again and I only noticed, when he asked me a question.

"Where's your mom, if I may ask?" He took a sip of whatever - I think it was orange juice.

"She's out with that guy.. You remember I told you how she almost ran over a man? Yeah, him." I told him, my eyes not leaving the screen and I heard him hum in response.

Yes, my mom was on a date with this man, who was a year younger than her and I was happy for her, plus the guy always had something for me, like chocolate.

"Loveee, have you finished yeeet?" And the clingy Jisung was back.
He lazily wrapped an arm around me and he made a sound of disapproval as I shook my head.

"Just a few more words and I'm done." I mumbled, making him cheer slightly and a smile appeared on my face at his cuteness.
He rested his head in the crook of my neck, before letting out a sigh.

Saving the document, I shut off my laptop and placed it on the table beside the forgotten glass of whatever he had poured in it.

"Now love, you owe me a ton of.." He started off and thought for awhile and I rolled my eyes, before curling up against his chest.

"Cuddles?" I asked.

Knowing Jisung, it would probably be more than that.. Like kissing in front of the whole school or something weird and extreme like that.

"I like kisses a bit more." He sent me a dorky grin and I smiled, before pressing my lips against his. He immediately kissed back and cupped my face with his hands.

"You're so loving.. What happened to the shy Jisung?" I already knew that his shyness reduced a year back, but I would usually tease him about it.

When I asked him that his face turned slightly pink, which had grown to be an unusual sight and he shook his head.

"Shut up." He let out a laugh and cuddled closer to me, before we both grew silent. After several moments in silence, he grabbed my chin lightly, before gently but firmly, turning my face to him and he gave me a grin.

His lips were placed on mine again and I enjoyed the warm feeling, I got inside me as his lips moved in sync with mine.

"Love.." He started off with his forehead resting against mine and I opened my eyes, which had stayed closed even after we pulled away from the kiss.

With the most serious voice I had heard in awhile, he told me with a small smile on his face.

"I love you.. Very much.." I giggled at his words, but not without blushing a bit.

"I love you too, very much!" I told him and he pulled me into a hug, while laughing slightly out of pure happiness - I did the same.

My heart was beating faster than ever and so was his.


This was love..

This was what I had wished for, for so long, without even knowing.

Now I just needed to hold onto him, until we both weren't breathing anymore.

To stay with Jisung..

That was my one and only wish..

The End II


So that was the other ending because some of you just couldn't get enough, aha~
I really hope you enjoyed this book and I want to thank you for supporting this book! I really appreciate it!
I love you~~

Have an amazing day, you amazing people!~

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