|| What Is Happening? ||

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Jisung's POV:

The smile I had on my face never disappeared as I walked into the practice room, making the guys turn to me.

"Who's got you so cheerful?" With a shrug, I placed my bag on the floor as Donghyuck smirked, making me freeze slightly.

He didn't tell them anything about Bomi, right? He wouldn't do that, right? Of course he would.

"Probably, he's little girlfriend.." Donghyuck leaned against the mirror as I quickly shook my head.
"S-she's not my girlfriend!" I laughed. I mentally face palmed, because I could hear how nervous I sounded.

"Oh, let me correct myself. His crush." He smirked towards me as I looked down and I could feel how a blush rushed to my face.
"Jisung? No, he's too young to have a crush!" Jaemin joked, ruffling my hair.
"You're never too young to like someone." Jeno exclaimed, before he sat down on the floor.

"So, Jisung. Since Donghyuck thinks you like her-"
"He does!" Donghyuck cut Mark off as I quickly shook my head, but before I could say anything, Mark started talking once again.
"Let's find out if you really like her. Sit down, practice can wait a bit." With a sigh, I sat down and Jaemin sat down beside me, before I heard a chuckle.

"Look at how red he is!" Renjun pointed out, making me want to run away.

Why was I getting so embarrassed about them talking about Bomi? It wasn't because I liked her - it couldn't be.

"Jisung, when you hear her name. What do you think about?" Mark asked, making me shrug and Donghyuck raised his eyebrows.
"Bomi." After he had said that, I felt my cheeks heat up once again.

She's so funny and cute.. Like really cute. She's like perfect..

I almost cringed at myself as Mark chuckled.

"What do you feel, when you're with her?" He asked dramatically, while doing some weird gestures and I shrugged my shoulders once again.

"She's really funny and she makes me laugh a lot. When I walk to school with her, I get all happy and mushy inside, sometimes when she laughs, she does this cute thing with her nose. It like sc-" I didn't get to explain it, before I was cut off by several laughs, which made me cross my arms and look down.

I didn't like her, she was just a really good friend.

"You've fallen for that girl and you have to accept it!" Mark stood up, before patting my head and I felt my face flush for the third time today.

"You know, there's nothing wrong with liking a girl." Renjun said.

"What am I going to do then?" Donghyuck face palmed at my question, which I found a bit rude, but I didn't say anything.
"You're so clueless. Go confess your love for her!" He exclaimed, making my eyes go wide and I felt my heart beating out of my chest.


"I-I don't love her!"

"Sure, sure. Let's just start practicing!"


Bomi's POV:

"Should I call him? No." I kept pacing back and forth in my room with my phone in my hand, debating if I should call Jisung or not.

"Maybe I should, just to check up on him, to see if he made it to the practice room safely!" A smile found its way onto my face and I started looking for his number, until my mom walked into the room, making me shut my phone and throw it onto the bed.

"Sweetie, what are you doing? It sounded like you were talking to someone." She gave me a smile as I quickly shook my head.

You were talking to yourself, Bomi.

"Okay, make sure to tell me if something's wrong." After planting a kiss on my forehead, she walked out of the room, shutting the door after her and I let out a sigh, before grabbing my phone.
"Look what he's doing to you.." I mumbled as I scrolled through my contacts and I stopped when I saw Jisung's name.

"Should I change it?" I kept on talking to myself, which was freaking me out slightly. Without thinking, I changed it to 'Friend' and I face palmed.

How original.

I placed a hand over my heart, which was beating like crazy and another sigh left me.

What was this boy doing to me? I didn't even want to be his friend and now, he's making me feel feelings, that I didn't want to feel.

"What's wrong with me?" With a groan, I threw my phone back onto the bed, before I started pacing back and forth once again. If people walked in on me doing this, they would probably think I was crazy, but I wouldn't blame them, I honestly thought I was going crazy as well.

My thoughts were cut off by my phone, which started ringing and it only took about two seconds, before I was picking it up.

"Hello, Jisung!" I said, before taking a deep breath. I just ran and jumped through my room to get my phone, which was why I was breathing so heavily and I heard him chuckle.

"Did you run a marathon or something?" I could feel blood rush to my face as I let out an awkward and embarrassed laugh.
"No, I just ran up the stairs." Bad excuse, really bad excuse.
Another laugh left the phone as I heard him hum.

"Whatever you say, Bomi.."

"I'm not lying!" I exclaimed, defending myself, even though I was lying.
"I didn't say that." He replied and I felt my face heat up once again.

"Are you doing anything tomorrow?" While scratching my chin, I shook my head, which he wasn't able to see, of course.
"Nope!" I jumped on my bed, before the smile on my face widened, if that was even possible.

"Then let's hang out! At my, or me and the guys dorm!" I felt a little hesitant to meet new guys, but I already talked with Donghyuck so there wouldn't be a problem, right?
"Sure!" I replied, but I thought it sounded a bit too exciting as I felt an embarrassed feeling rush through me.

"I'll let you go now, I need to get back to practice." I hummed in response as we exchanged goodbye's and I squealed as I dropped the phone beside me.

What was this boy doing to me?

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