|| I'm.. What? ||

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Bomi's POV:

"Mom, let go of me, I have to get to school." I grumbled, trying to free myself from her grip, making her squeeze it slightly.

"I'm not letting go until you hear me out." Wow, why does this remind me of some weird old couple, arguing?

"What? What could be so important?" I exclaimed loudly, making her jump slightly and she scoffed, before letting go.

"I'm sorry, okay?" She really doesn't seem like her age..
"Okay." Making my way towards the door, I heard her sigh and I opened the door, before I heard her say.

"I still don't want you to see him though." Slamming the door, I quickly made my way to the place where me and Jisung usually would meet.

"I can just feel your happiness!" Was the first thing Jisung said, when I reached him and I shoved him away slightly, before letting out a laugh.

"What's up with you?" His question made me shrug.
It wasn't because I didn't know what was up - because I did know, I just didn't think he would be that interested in hearing about my mom, again.

"Your mom?" This made me nod and he sighed, before smiling. "Everything's going to be okay! Just remember that you're going to watch me practice." He tried to cheer me up and I couldn't help but laugh slightly, making his smile widen.

"There's that lovely smile of yours!" This made my face flush and I'm pretty sure I saw his cheeks redden as well.


Rolling my eyes, I ignored Dahye and I continued walking, eventually reaching the school gates.

"Leave me alone." I grumbled, quickening my pace and I finally spotted Jisung, which made a sigh of relief escape me.

"Oh, you're running away? You're such a coward!" Dahye's voice started fading away as I ran towards Jisung, before engulfing him in a hug.

"Is she still looking at us?" I whispered, trying to hide how much my face was burning and I felt him move slightly.

What a nice method, Bomi.. Let's all applaud to you.

"N-no." He stuttered and I quickly let go of him as an awkward silence fell over us.

"S-shall w-we go?" Nodding my head, I smiled slightly and so did he, before we made our way towards the SM building.
The walk to the building was slightly awkward and we didn't even say a word to each other for the rest of the walk.

"Let's not be awkward." I heard Jisung say, making me nod and I looked towards him. "Let's not be.. After all, it's normal for friends to hug, right?" He nodded and smiled a bit as he guided me towards the practice room.

"I'm not ready!" A small squeal left my mouth as Jisung was about to open the door to his practice room and he laughed, before opening it.

It was hard enough to befriend Jisung and now I had to befriend his six best friends.. Aha, this wasn't going to end well.

Slowly, I walked in after him and all the guys turned to me as I swallowed the lump in my throat, before bowing.

"This is Bomi." Jisung introduced me and I felt thankful for him.

"Bomi, this is Mark, Renjun, Jeno, Jaemin, Haechan or Donghyuck as you know him, and Chenle!" He introduced them as he pointed at each of them after saying their name.

"Ah, Bomi! You're as pretty as Jisung described you!" I think, Jaemin, said - I couldn't remember his name.

"Shut up, Jaemin." Jisung mumbled, so his name was Jaemin.

"He talks about you all the time!" Donghyuck exclaimed - or I think it was him, it sounded like him. "Stop teasing the poor boy, I'm Mark, as you were told before and I'm the oldest." Mark looked towards me with a smile and I looked at Jisung, who's face had turned pink.

"Now, let's start practicing! The faster we finish, the faster Jisung will be able to spend some time with Bomi!" He clapped his hands as Donghyuck groaned, before standing up and he looked at me.

"Keep your eyes at Jisung, he's a really good dancer." He smirked as Jisung's face turned pink once again and I couldn't help but smile as the music started.

Like Donghyuck had said, I kept my eyes at Jisung and to say I was impressed, was an understatement.


Jisung looked at me as I was getting my shoes and I couldn't hold back a smile.

"Did you like the movie?" He suddenly asked, which made me nod with a hum. "It ended weirdly though." This made him laugh and I looked at him, to see him nodding.

"I agree with you." He didn't say anything else and I didn't either, but I didn't really find it awkward - or it wasn't as awkward as earlier when I had hugged him.

Why did I even hug him? It was so unnecessary!

"Are we hanging out tomorrow?" I asked, which broke the silence and it was silent for a few more seconds, before I heard a hum. "Yeah." I straightened my back, before smiling at him and I headed towards the door him following closely behind.

"Good." We stood in silence for a few seconds, before I looked at the clock on the wall and with a sigh, I waved at him, before walking out of the door.

Quickening my pace, I made my way home and it didn't take that long before I arrived, but before I walked inside, I stood outside for some minutes.
With a deep breath, I opened the door slowly, to see my mom pacing back and forth.

This was going to be interesting.

"Why are you so late? I know that school doesn't end this late." Was the first thing that left her mouth and I had to hold myself back from rolling my eyes, I didn't want to piss her off even more.

"Oh my god, school doesn't end this late?" I covered my mouth with my hand, before shaking my head and walking past her. "This is why you shouldn't be hanging around boys! You weren't with that Jihyung guy, right?" This time, I actually did roll my eyes and with crossed arms, I shrugged.

"First of all, I'm a teenager so my attitude is like that and second of all.." I paused, before giving her a small smile. "His name is Jisung."
"Were you with him?" Obviously.. The girls I know, are bitches.

"Why would I be? I always listen to my dear mom." I rolled my eyes once again, but I had my back turned to her so she couldn't see me. I knew this was going to end bad, but the next thing she said, didn't I expect.

"Bomi, you're grounded."


I'm so sorry for not updating! I was supposed to update two day ago, but I have been a bit sick and I was at this really boring party yesterday, which is why, I haven't had the time to update! ;;

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