|| Best Friend ||

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Bomi's POV:

I tapped the pencil on my desk while reading the question over and over again, before slamming it on the table with a frustrated sigh.

I regretted not studying, but I didn't regret hanging out with Jisung, when I should've studied.

Talking, or thinking about Jisung, I was actually going to hang out with him today - I knew what my mom had said, but to be honest..

I didn't really care.

"Five more minutes." Our teacher called out calmly and I rolled my eyes, before choosing a random answer. When I had answered the last question, I felt something hit my head, which made me groan silently and I looked at the pencil, which was now lying on the floor right beside my foot.

I moved my head to glare at Dahye who was snickering with her friends, but then I noticed a pencil fly towards her and when it hit her head, I couldn't help but snicker myself.

Looking at Lami who was giggling, I sent her a thankful smile and she returned a smile of her own just as the bell rang.

Quickly packing my things, I walked towards her, making her look at me.

"Thank you for, you know.. Hitting her with a pencil." This made her laugh, before shrugging and she swung her bag over her shoulders.

"Anything for a friend.. By the way, why was she so mean towards you?" We both made our way towards the cafeteria and I shook my head, laughing slightly.

"We used to be best friends or something like that, but I got tired of hearing about clothes and boys." I fake shivered and she laughed once again - she's a pretty bright girl, huh?
"I get annoyed just looking at her!" She exclaimed dramatically, which made me laugh, before nodding my head.

"So, how are you and Jisung?" She asked randomly and I gave her an odd look. How did she know, that I knew Jisung? Did he really talk about me?
She must've noticed how confused I was, because she then added.

"He talks about you a lot."

I let out an awkward laugh. "We're doing okay, I guess?" I said, which sounded more like a question.

"You would look cute together.." She mumbled, before running away and I laughed, before running after her.


Jisung's POV:

"Look at his face, it's turning red!" Jeno cooed, pinching my cheek and I slapped his hand away, before hiding my face in my arms, only making the guys coo some more.

If you were wondering why they were teasing me, like the annoying brothers they were, was it because they found a photo on my phone - a photo of Bomi.

"Awe come on, when I had crushes I had pictures of them as well!" Mark exclaimed, only making this more embarrassing for me and more entertaining for them.
"I don't have a crush!" I mumbled, still hiding my face.

Who was I trying to convince, them or myself? Because I was pretty sure, that I couldn't convince them otherwise.

"We already had this conversation, don't you remember what you told us?" Jaemin ruffled my hair, messing it up and I felt my face grow hotter, but since I was hiding it, they weren't able to see it.
"I get all mushy inside!" Donghyuck mocked what I had said days before and I turned around in my chair, before kicking his shin, making him groan.

"When is she arriving?" Renjun asked, before jumping on my bed, which actually looked nice, before he decided to jump on it.

"I think about half an hour.. Her classes aren't over yet.." I mumbled the last part, hoping that they didn't hear, but of course they did and they obviously had to tease me about it.
"Awe, you know her schedule?" Jaemin laughed and I glared at him, before feeling someone pinch my cheek again, which was to my surprise, Chenle.

"Your face.. So red!" He giggled, before sitting down on my bed beside Renjun and I threw the thing closest to me at the closest person, which happened to be Mark who I had thrown a cap at.

"Hey, no need to throw things, we're just joking!" He raised his hands and I placed my hands on my cheeks. They were surprisingly hot and I felt even more embarrassed.

"She's my best friend, of course I know her schedule." I answered Jaemin's question, ignoring what the others had said, before taking a deep breath and trying to calm myself down.
"I thought, I was your best friend." Donghyuck cried and I turned away from him.

"Bomi's my best friend."

"Correction; crush." I wanted to throw something at Jeno after he had said that, but the closest thing there was, was a book and I didn't want to pay for a new book, if it got destroyed or something.

"Don't even try to deny it!" Renjun said, before jumping out of my room with Chenle following closely behind and soon I was alone in my room again.

The vibrations from my phone made me jump slightly and I quickly grabbed it, almost dropping it again.

'I'm on my way!' A smile immediately found its way onto my face and I jumped up from my chair, before running out of my room.

"Is she he-"

"Almost.." I cut Donghyuck off, before he even got to finish his sentence and I heard several laughs, but I ignored them, because the fantastic human being known as Bomi, was on her way. I stopped jumping for a second.

What in the world did I just think about? Fantastic human being?

I mentally slapped myself, before I heard a knock on the door, which almost made me squeal and I quickly opened it.

"H-hey!" Cursing myself for stuttering, I moved to the side, giving her enough space to walk inside and with a small sigh, I closed the door.

"Hello!" She greeted the guys and I saw Jeno smirk slightly as I grabbed her wrist and started dragging her out of the living room.
"They're weird, you shouldn't hang out with them too much." Stupid excuses, but did I care? Not really.

"But don't you see them like everyday?" She giggled, which made my stomach tickle slightly and I shrugged, before making her sit down.

"Okay, I just wanted to hang out with you, alone.." Looking away, I scratched my neck and I heard a laugh come from her, before I felt her arms wrap around me, which made my heart beat faster.

She changed a lot since I met her.. Not like I was complaining.

"I came to hang out with you and not them, so you don't have to worry about your best friend being stolen!" She snickered, before elbowing me in the side slightly.

Best friend.

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