|| What A Day ||

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Merry Christmas~

Bomi's POV:

Me and Jisung were on our way to school, just laughing and holding hands like normal couples would do. That was until an annoying girl, decided to walk with us, guess who!

"Is she good to you? If she isn't good enough, then trust me, I'll be a hundred percent better!" Dahye giggled, twirling a strand of hair between her fingers and looking at Jisung with big, innocent eyes.

If Jisung wasn't here and I wasn't too nice, I would've probably jumped on her, but he was here and I was too nice.

"She's too good for me." He replied, not glancing at her at all, but keeping his attention on me.

"So, I'll just wait for you as usual and then we'll head to your house?" He asked with a smile and I saw Dahye frown as I nodded my head.


"Then I'll see you later!" He exclaimed as we stood in front of my school and I nodded my head once again with a smile. Before he left, he quickly pecked my cheek, only resulting in the both of us blushing and Dahye to scoff.

Now I had to walk with Dahye, this was going to be quite interesting.

"I can't believe someone like him, chose to be with someone like you." She flipped her hair and walked up in front of me, making me roll my eyes.

I didn't care what she believed and what she didn't, she just had to mind her own business and just stay out of my life, that would be very nice.

"She's just jealous, you know?" Lami's voice made a smile appear on my face once again and I shrugged my shoulders as she caught up to me.

"I mean, I am as well, you're the only thing he talks about when I hear him talk to the other members." She nudged me slightly, only making me laugh and push her.

He really talked about me that much? I honestly felt so blessed to.. You know.. Be with him.

"He can't talk about me that much.." I ran a hand through my hair as we both headed towards our class and she nodded her head, dramatically.

"I think I know as much about myself as I know about you!" She exclaimed, just as we walked into the classroom, making girls turn their attention to us, before rolling their eyes.

Yeah, we weren't that popular in school.

As we had sat down in our seats, which were beside each other, she turned to me again.

"He really likes you, you know that?" My face heated up at that.

Well, he did ask me out, so I expected him to like me - hearing it from another person was just kind of different.

"I'm happy to know that.."


I was actually more nervous than Jisung.

"It's going to be okay." I exclaimed and he nodded his head.

We were standing in front of my house and as planned yesterday, he was going to meet my mom - I was a nervous wreck, if you hadn't noticed, but Jisung was totally calm - on the outside at least.

"I know, you've told me at least fifty times. Are you trying to convince me or yourself?" His question made me laugh slightly. "To be honest, I don't even know anymore.." Slowly with my free hand, I opened the door to my house and the smell of cookies filled my nose.

"This is pretty cozy." He commented and looked around, before kicking off his shoes. His voice made my mom walk into the hallway, a smile on her face and she bowed at him slightly.

Okay, it was going pretty well right now and she hadn't tried to kill him or anything.

"Hello, miss Yeo. It's a pleasure to meet you." He kept his hands behind his back as he bowed and I noticed how they were shaking slightly, making me frown a bit.

As soon as he stood in front of her, he got nervous, huh?

"Hello, Jisung. It's a pleasure to meet you as well." My mom sent him a smile, before backing away a bit.

"I'll go fix some lunch, so you two go do what you want!" My mom smiled at the both of us, before walking into the kitchen and Jisung let out a sigh.

Maybe he had been as nervous as I had, but was just freaking out inside, while I was freaking out on the outside.

I grabbed his hand and dragged him through the house, introducing every place.

"Okay, I've seen the bathroom, kitchen, living room.. Now I want to see you room!" He exclaimed excitedly, making me nod my head and I led him to my room.

My room was pretty big actually, but it wasn't anything extraordinary, just a basic room, but Jisung was still interested in the smallest decorations.

"Is this you?" He was standing by my drawer and I was almost a hundred percent sure, he was talking about the pictures.
I walked towards him and looked over his shoulder to see a picture of me and Dahye in third grade and I nodded my head.

"Yeah, it was in third grade. I'm the one with short hair and that's Dahye." I pointed at the smiling girl beside me with a small feeling of regret rushing through me.

"We were so close.." I mumbled and he gave me an apologetic look, just as my mom called for the both of us.


Jisung's POV:

It didn't turn out as bad as I thought it would - it didn't even turn out bad at all. I actually had some fun talking with her mom.

She was like a typical mom; telling stories of when she was younger and even showing pictures.

"Mom, don't you think that's enough? Why don't you check on your cookies?" Bomi's face was completely red and I looked back at the pictures.

She had always been a cute little girl, huh?

"Why are you so embarrassed? You were adorable!" I exclaimed and pointed at one of her pictures, making her glare at me and shake her head.

"I looked like a bird.."

"A cute bird." I replied, making her face heat up once again and she hit me on the shoulder. Her mom walked into the room with another tray of cookies and she sat down again.
"So, you think I looked like a bird as well?" She laughed and I shrugged my shoulders, before smirking slightly.

"You kind of did look like one.." Her mom mumbled, making a laugh escape from me and she turned her head to me.

Her mom and I had gotten along okay, which had seemed to surprise Bomi, but she also seemed relieved, that she approved of me.

I was also relieved.

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