|| Promise ||

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Bomi's POV:

"Don't worry, Bomi. You can do this!" I mumbled to myself, walking back and forth in my room, before looking at my phone.

Here I was, wandering around my room, trying to get myself to jump out of the window. That might sound weird, but that was the only way for me to meet Jisung, since my mom grounded me.

Quickly locking my door, I put on a jumper, before walking towards the window and I opened it.

"For Jisung.." I mumbled, before very slowly climbing out of the window and letting myself fall. Landing on my feet, I looked up at the still open window and I cursed myself for not thinking this through, before running.
While running, I felt the vibrations of my phone and I immediately knew who it was, because who else would call me?

"I'm on my way." I heard him chuckle as I had breathed out and I looked back.

"Bomi.. Why are you breathing so hard?" He asked and I felt a wave of embarrassment. "You know.. Just wanting to stay fit.." I was seriously so good at stupid excuses like, do you need a bad excuse, I'd gladly help.

"Whatever you say.." He mumbled, before adding. "you're so cute." It was hard for me to hear it and I didn't think, that I was supposed to hear it, but I did managed to though.
"Just hurry up, I'm so bored!" He whined, which made me roll my eyes and I walked into the SM building.

"I'm here! I just have to find your practice room." I mumbled, walking through the halls, until I finally reached it and I knocked on the door. "I'll hang up now." He laughed.

After about two seconds, the door was opened and I was greeted with a slightly awkward hug, I did hug him back, of course.

"Where are the others?" He laughed at my question, before closing the door and I sat down in the middle of the room.
"If they get the chance to stay home, they're impossible to get out." He sat down beside me as I nodded.

"But you're fit and active." I joked, which surprisingly for me, made him blush. It was cute though - blushing guys were cute.

"You wanted to be fit as well, right?" Swallowing hard, I hesitantly nodded my head, making him grin and stand up, before reaching out his hand.

"Then dance with me." His words shocked me and I think he noticed, but instead of leaving me be, he pulled me up.
"You should've seen this coming." He mumbled, tapping on his phone and I bit down on my lower lip, before shrugging.

"I should've.."

A song started, but it didn't sound like a serious dancing song and Jisung started to dance oddly, which took me by surprise.

"You're a really good dancer, but you can really dance oddly as well." I let out a laugh and he did as well, before grabbing my hand.
"I know, now, you should dance as well!" He seemed so happy and I would've felt bad if I didn't dance with him, so I did, which I didn't regret at all.

It was in no way serious and it didn't seem like he was judging my dancing. When the song had ended, we both dropped to the floor. "That was enough exercise for the rest of the year." I mumbled mostly to myself, but he heard it and laughed, before sitting up.

"To be honest, it was much more exciting to dance with you, than the others." That made my face heat up.

He was being too cute for his own good..

"A-ah.. Really? I'm not that good at it though." I stated, trying to cool my face down, which made him shrug and smile.

"Still.. Just goofing around with you, has been the highlight of my day!"


I looked up at the open window, before sighing and looking around.

I could climb the tree, but there would be a big chance of me falling and breaking my neck.. On the other hand, I didn't really have any other options, because my mom was inside and my bedroom door was locked.

Taking careful steps, I made my way towards the tree. While cursing under my breath, I grabbed the first branch and then the second.

I was doing okay - or so I thought, because when I grabbed the last branch, I slipped and fell back onto the ground. The fall knocked the air out of me and I laid there for a few seconds, trying to catch my breath, before slowly lifting myself up.

"You can do this, Bomi.." Grabbing the first branch again, I started climbing, but this time a lot slower than before and when I finally grabbed the last branch, I carefully lifted myself up.

I was surprised that I actually survived this and I looked at the open window. While stretching my leg, I held onto the branch tight and I very slowly climbed into my room, before letting out a sigh of relief.
Just as I was about to close the window, a knock came from the door, which made me flinch.

"Bomi? You haven't eaten all day or replied to me!" With gentle steps, I walked towards the door and unlocked it, letting my mom inside, who immediately shivered.
"Why is it so cold in here?" I pointed towards the window and she let out a sigh, before sitting down on my bed. She gestured for me to sit down beside her, which I did, much to my surprise.

"I know you might be mad and all that, but now I'll tell you why, every single guy is a monster." She said sternly with a completely serious look on her face and I looked away, before rolling my eyes.

Was she serious? I wasn't going to listen to a two hour long lecture about boys and I couldn't help but groan slightly, when she started talking.

"You see, the reason why you shouldn't be around boys, is because they only want to hurt you." I had to hold myself back from rolling my eyes once again.

"I know that from experience.. I was so in love with your dad." This actually caught my interest, because I knew nothing about him at all - I didn't even know his name.

"He was three years older than me and all he actually ever wanted, was to get in my pants." There was a short pause, before she started talking again.

"Of course, I didn't know it at the time, but as soon as I got pregnant with you, he was already trying to get it on with other girls.. He was a really charming man and he told me he wanted to marry me, but that never happened."

I was shocked. I had never known my dad would be like that and I looked at her with an apologetic look. It wasn't because I was planning on never seeing Jisung again, because just because it happened to her, doesn't it mean it'll happened to me, right?

"That's why Bomi.. You have to promise me, that you won't be seeing him again.." She looked directly into my eyes and that's how I noticed, that she had unshed tears in hers.

Taking a deep breath, I told her another lie.

"I promise."

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