|| Wish ||

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Bomi's POV:

It was a pretty chill day outside, not too hot, not too cold and we, of course, took that opportunity to go outside.

Last time me and Jisung hung out outside, we played basketball, but this time he hadn't brought anything, which kind of made me relieved.

"Your hair looks really cute, I haven't told you that, have I?" To my question, he nodded and his face turned bright pink because of the compliment.

His debut was coming up and he had to dye his hair, it was now blonde. It was honestly so cute - okay, everything about him was cute.

"You've told me at least five times the last thirty minutes.." This made me feel slightly embarrassed and an awkward laugh left me, making him squeeze my hand.

"You're cute as well."

We stopped by the fountain, the fountain which had given me the confidence to finally talk to a guy - that sounded a bit weird, since all I ever did was toss a coin in it.

Looking down in it, I saw a lot of coins actually and Jisung looked as well, before chuckling. Before he could ask the question, I knew was coming, I exclaimed.

"Not all of them are mine!" This made him chuckle once again, before he sat down, with his back leaning against the fountain.

"What are you doing, your shirt is going to get wet!" I couldn't help but laugh and he shrugged, before closing his eyes.

He must have been pretty tired, the last couple of days had he spent practicing with the other members and we didn't really see each other, nor talk.

"You can't blame me for being tired.." I rolled my eyes slightly, dragging him up by his sleeve, only earning a small groan from him and I sat down on the bench right beside the fountain.

"What's the name of the song again? Your debut song?" His eyes were closed again and he leaned his head against my shoulder, not without a blush creeping onto his face, of course.

"Chewing gum.." He mumbled.

He sounded exhausted and I ran my hand through his hair with the probably brightest blush on my face.

His hair was really soft..

Continuing to run my hand through his hair, silence fell over us and I actually thought he was asleep for a couple of minutes, since his breathing was quiet.

Instead of waking him up, I just sat there, thinking.

What would my life be like if I had continued listening to my mom? If my mom didn't approve of Jisung? If I never even met Jisung?

Those thoughts actually made me shiver slightly. I had changed so much since I met him, I couldn't even remember how I was before - probably a confused little girl. But now I was in a new stage in my life.. I ha-

"What are you thinking about?" Jisung's voice made me snap back to reality. He was looking at me and he wasn't leaning his head on my shoulder anymore.

"I thought you were asleep.." He chuckled at that, before shaking his head.

"I wasn't, what were you thinking about? You looked so serious, it was actually kind of scary!" He joked, which made me crack a small smile, before sighing.

"Just.. What would've happen if we, you know.." I started off, looking down and I started playing with my fingers.
"We, what?" He grabbed my right hand and started drawing circles on it with his thumb.

"Never met.." This made him frown slightly.

"You shouldn't think about things like that.. We did meet and that's that!" He told me with a soft smile and I nodded my head, before leaning over to plant a peck on his cheek. His face unsurprisingly turned pink, matching with the blush I had on my face.

After a couple of seconds in silence, he stood up from the bench, dragging me with him, before making his way towards the fountain again. With a smile, he handed me a coin he had fished out from his pocket and he nodded

"Wish for something." No matter how long I thought, I couldn't find one thing to wish for and I shook my head, making his face scrunch up in confusion.

"I think I have everything I could wish for.." I started off, but I had to stop for a few seconds as I cringed at myself and Jisung's face flushed.

"You know.. Me and my mom have a better relationship than ever, I might not have that many friends in school, but I have Lami-"

"And my members. They like you as well.. You also have me." He cut me off, making me nod.

Exactly I had him, he opened my eyes, if I could say it like that. Despite how weird I must've been in the beginning, he still stayed and I was so thankful.

"Yeah, I have you.." If I wasn't as flustered as I was, I would probably be cringing like crazy now.
He couldn't hide his embarrassment either as his cheeks turned pink and I looked at him.

Even though both of us were young and as everyone said, not ready for love - I was still happy to be with him.

"You should wish for something!" I exclaimed, making him shrug his shoulders and the blush on his face got darker.

I wondered what his wish was, since his blush turned a shade darker and before I could ask, he answered.

"I-I don't have any wishes.." He sounded nervous and he was trying to avoid my eyes, which led me to know, that he wasn't speaking the truth.

"Come on.. Tell me! You do have a wish, I know!" For a few seconds, didn't I hear anything but my own heartbeat, until he mumbled something under his breath.

"Pardon me?" A giggle left me as he scrunched up his face once again.

"I.. Eh.."

He took a deep breath and the next thing he did, seemed to surprise both me and him.

He kissed me.

It was quick, just a small peck, but it was enough to leave the both of us blushing and stuttering.

"I.. I really, really, really like you." He confessed, making me grin stupidly and he had this small goofy grin on his face as well.
With all the honestly I could manage, I confessed back.

"I really, really, really like you too."

The End

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