|| Like.. A Date ||

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Bomi's POV:

"I don't understand why we're here.." I mumbled as we as in me and Jisung were walking through a field.

"It's like a.. Date.. Or it is one." He mumbled and I grinned with a small blush on my cheeks.

I noticed the basketball he had under his arm and I feared the worst. I liked sports, but basketball had never been my strong side.

"What are we going to do? Play basketball? Because I suck at that." I gestured towards the ball he had brought and he nodded with a bright smile, making me nod slowly. He seemed happy about playing it, so being the good girlfriend I was, I didn't protest, but I knew I was going to fail, badly.

"Please don't laugh at me when I fail!" He let out a laugh and we reached a basketball court. I looked at the hoops and with a sigh, I placed my bag on the grass beside the court.

"Do you want me to go easy on you?" He asked with a smug grin on his face, making me cross my arms and pout.
What he said didn't really offend me - still I wouldn't want him to go easy on me.

"I was joking." He passed the ball towards me, making me squeal slightly and that made him laugh.
I thought he wouldn't laugh - doesn't surprise me he did though.

"You don't have to be scared, it doesn't bite." He ran over and picked up the ball, but instead of passing it to me, he dribbled it.

Realizing that this was a match, I ran over and tried to get the ball from him, but because of height difference, I failed badly.

I had to admit though, it was fun.

"Just give me a chance to score!" I exclaimed, laughing a bit and he chuckled, before passing the ball to me, which I didn't catch, of course. I picked the ball up and slowly dribbled it towards the hoop.

"You're so fast." He joked as I was a few feet away from him and I rolled my eyes, before throwing the ball towards the hoop.

Surprise, surprise, I missed it.

"You threw a bit too hard."

"You don't say!" I exclaimed as he ran towards the ball and even from that distance, I could hear him laugh.

"I'll help you, okay?" He was slightly out of breath and he walked up beside me. Me being me, got flustered by how close we were, but I wasn't the only flustered one, since his ears began to turn red.

He started off with correcting my posture and he did it with a small laugh.
"Okay, you stand like that and you aim after the small square you see." He pointed at the square and I nodded my head.

Hey, I only had friends who liked shopping, so this was kind of my first time playing this - we had played it a couple times in P.E, but that's about it.

"Give it a go!" He took a step backwards and I aimed after it and only just missed, which made me proud.

"You're getting better and better!" I smiled at his words and he returned with the ball. "I'll help you score." He mumbled and took my hands gently, making my face heat up.

I shouldn't be getting this flustered, we were together after all.

I looked at the hoop and he threw it, he scored, of course.

"Have you played this a lot?" He shrugged his shoulders at my question and smiled, before sitting down on the grass.
I sat down as well, or fell, because I was tired.

"Remind me to never play games like this with you anymore.." Laughing, he moved a bit closer to me.
"Why?" I looked up at his question to see his face only a few centimeters away from mine.

"I-" He moved back after seeing my flustered face and he looked away, his ears burning.

"I- You're so good at sports and I'm not!" I exclaimed, trying to make the awkward atmosphere disappear, which I succeeded in as he laughed, for the like seventh time today.
"I could teach you." He rested his head in the palm of his hand and I pushed him slightly, before shaking my head.

Suddenly I remembered something important I had to ask him.

"I just remembered something I had to ask you!" Clapping my hands together, I sat up straight and he sat up straight as well.

"What is i-?"

"My mom, she wanted to know when you had the time to.. You know, meet her." After I had said that, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Your mom? I didn't think she liked me."

"She never met you and remember, yesterday when I told you that she was okay about us dating!" Smiling, I couldn't help but feel excited.
"Oh, yeah!" He exclaimed with a small smile as well and he finally nodded his head.

"I guess, I could visit tomorrow, maybe? I'm not practicing tomorrow." He rubbed his neck as he looked at me, waiting for my answer.

Tomorrow? I was already nervous, like what if she didn't like him, or what if he didn't l-

"Sounds perfect." I smiled at him, ignoring my own rants, that were going on in my head.


"We should probably head home.." I whispered and looked at the sky, which had turned surprisingly dark.

Time really flies when you have fun.

"But I want to hang out with you more!" He whined, which was a bit unusual, but maybe it was because he was tired.

"You'll see me tomorrow, now come on." I stood up and tried to drag him up by his arm, which I didn't have much success with. After trying to drag him up for about two minutes, he stood up with a small sigh.
Without a word, he grabbed my hand gently, before we both started heading home.

"I had fun today, even though I was really bad." I decided to break the silence and a grin spread across his face as he nodded his head quickly.
"So did I!" Not much talk could be heard after that and before I knew it, we were standing in front of my house.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow." He nodded his head and looked over his shoulder, before at me again.

I didn't expect him to say anything else, so I turned around, but before I could walk away, I was grabbed by the arm and turned around. A pair of warm lips pressed against my cheek, but it was just a quick peck and soon they were off my cheek again.

"Goodnight." With that he turned around and bolted off, leaving me standing with my hand on my cheek, just like I had done to him the day before.


Here's a bit of promotion to myself, but please check out my newest book! Of course, only if you're interested! It's a Taeyong book!

Have a nice day! ^^

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