Chapter 3: The Problem

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--Your P.O.V--

You woke up with your head leaning on someone's chest. You zipped your head up and looked at the sleeping cutie.

"Oh yeah."

You had forgotten that you were in the world that you were in. Then Matt slowly opened his eyes and looked at you.

"Your up?" He said after yawning.

"Yes." You stood up and stretched, walking into the kitchen.

"We should get you some clothes of your own F/N."

"Alright, but can I keep this hoodie?" You sweetly asked.

"Oh, yeah! Sure!" He smiled.

You smiled back and waited for Matt to get dressed. After Matt was dressed, you showered and dressed in the clothes that you wore when you woke up. Then both you and Matt walked out as Tom decided to open his door.

"Hey love birds." Tom teased, making both you and Matt blush and look at him. "How's it going?"

"Well if you must know, Tom..." Matt paused and looked at you. "...its going just jolly."

"Well, it was until you interfered." You mumbled.

Tom stared at you, definitely not happy about what he apparently heard. He gave you the death stare as you returned it. Matt grabbed your shoulders and pulled you to his other side, farther away from Tom.

"Bye Tom!" Matt quickly said, pulling you with him down the hallway.

Matt and you exited the building and started walking down the sidewalk.

"What was that about?" He asked.

"What was what about?" You shrugged your shoulders, not wanting to talk about it.

"Why are you and Tom 'enemies'? You two sure didn't act like you like each other, what's the problem?"

"Matt, I-I don't want to talk about it."

He pouted with the adorable face of his, almost making you tell him. But you resisted, as both of you entered the clothes store. You turned your head in the direction of the women's clothing as Matt walked over to a close by mirror, you laughed slightly as he kept making model poses to himself.

"That boy is so vain."

You walked past a clothes rack and stopped, backing up. On the rack was a F/C hoodie, you couldn't hold your huge smile in, knowing that you could finally be more like the crew. You searched for the size and pulled it off the rack, then you ran over to Matt.

"I know what I want!" You shoved the hoodie in front of his face.

"Alright!" He pulled the hoodie down from his face. "Under shirt?"

You nodded and ran back over to the rack, on it was a black t-shirt, you shrugged and checked the size, then brought it to the check out after grabbing more hoodies and t-shirts, plus pants.

-:Time Skip:-

Matt was making dinner as something from the corner of your eye caught your attention. Out the window, a very, very, VERY familiar face was seen. But it couldn't have been him, unless... it could be. You looked away, rubbed your eyes, and turned back, only to see that they were gone.

"Was that him?"

Matt finished dinner, both of you ate but nothing bothered you more then that one thought of him being there.

"Hey F/N..." Matt started. "...I know you probably don't want to talk about it but, what's bothering you? Please tell me." He pleaded.

"Only because I don't want you worried about me." You sighed, putting down the ribs that Matt made. "Tom, and I aren't friends, I think that he's a grinch, but he... he thinks that we're more then friends."

You could see the confusion in Matt's eyes. He watched your hands move as they shaped a heart. He went wide eyed and it was a angry wide eyed face.

"HE'S TRYING TO HIT ON YOU!" Matt asked, obviously not happy, somewhat blushing at the end.

You nodded and blushed, trying to not make eye contact by looking down at the food. Matt stood up, straightened his over coat, and walked towards the door.

"Matt wait! What are you doing!?" You asked, running after him.

"Tom doesn't deserve you." He mumbled, blushing.

You stopped and thought.

"He doesn't deserve me...."

That was all that came up in your mind, not what you saw earlier, not the clothes shopping, and not even new things that would have popped up in your mind. All that was clear was that Matt wanted you, and didn't want Tom with you. Matt almost opened Tom's door but stopped when you run up to him and hugged as tightly as you could. He was dazed, like a deer in headlights, but you continued to hug him and hide your head in his hoodie.

"You don't need to do anything Matt." Your voice was slightly muffled. "I would never go with him."

"F/N, I-I...." Matt stroked your H/C hair, whispering.

Then the door you wished never opened, opened. There stood Tom, watching with a not so happy face.

"But you would go with him?" He asked, crossing his arms tightly.

You zipped up from Matt's hoodie and looked at Tom.

"Yes! Because unlike you, he loves Christmas, doesn't drink, is kind, and also is super adorable!" The last part slipped out your mouth as Matt and you blushed.

Tom just looked at you, surprised by the sudden rage, in fact, it was so much rage that came out, you never realized that you pushed him against the wall.

"F-fine." Tom, slightly chocked, pushing you both away and out of his apartment.

You then jumped back to Matt's side as you both headed back inside Matt's apartment room.

"I didn't know you could let that much rage get to you." Matt said, sitting down on the couch.

"Me neither." You looked down, ashamed.

"Hey, it's alright F/N." He lifted your chin to face him.

His voice was just too cute. He kept talking but you lost your way in his eyes. Next thing you know, his lips connect with yours.

(Who's the 'him'? Tom really liked F/N? Matt's lips connect with yours? So many questions with not so many answers! Sorry for not updating, school, almost missed my cousins B-day, learning some Norwegian, talked with my friend from Brazil, (now I just feel like I'm bragging). And all that stuff, I really do NOT have a normal life. Anyways, what will happen next?

More To Come My Ghosties!)

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