Chapter 12: Suspicion

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--Matt's P.O.V--

My eyes fluttered open as light beamed through the crack in the door. F/N was still sleeping this time, so I stood up and put on my clothes. I walked out to the kitchen and started making dinner for breakfast. It was grilled cheese and tomato soup. F/N walked out with her clothes on and was rubbing her eyes.

"Morning sunflower." I smiled, flipping the grilled cheese.

"Morning." F/N dragged her feet to the table. "What are you making?"

"Grilled cheese and some tomato soup. Want some?"


-:Time Skip:-

After F/N and I ate our dinner for breakfast, we picked up our cubes. I wrote a note and stuck it on the outside of our door, just in case Edd thought we were home. It said, 'F/N and I went to Tord's and don't plan on being here for awhile. ~Matt & F/N'. Then F/N and I teleported to Tord's army base. It was busy, I think that's normal at this time. We saw Tord standing cross armed between two other people. We walked over to him.

"Hey Tord." I waved.

The two soldiers grabbed their guns and aimed at us. Tord rolled his eyes and lowered their guns with his hands.

"Kult." Tord sighed.

The two men strapped the guns back onto their backs and stood with their arms at their sides.

"So, why'd you guys decide to visit?" He glanced behind himself.

"We wanted to see how your project was going." F/N said.

"It's going smoothly so far." Tord looked back at us.

Then we saw a explosion and heard a explosive sound come from from behind him as a piece of metal came flying at us. He moved his robotic arm and caught it.

"It... was going smoothly." He sighed, shaking his head.

"So, did you take Tom? What did you do with him?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, we took Tom. Right at the moment he's in a jail cell." Tord pointed over to a faraway guarded door. "You can see him, but don't let him out and he's gone slightly insane so don't listen to him either."

"Right." F/N nodded.

F/N and I ran over to the door as one man put his hand up to his ear piece and nodded. They let us through. The hallway was dimly lit compared to the rest of it. We searched for Tom and finally found him after about 10 minutes. He was sitting on the edge of a shaky bed and with his head lowered, behind bars.

"Hey Tom?" F/N whispered.

Tom didn't look up, he only mumbled something.

"Tom?" F/N repeated.

"What!?" He snapped, jumping to his feet and running to the jail bars, gripping them.

F/N and I stepped back a few times.

"Why were you so crazy, before?" She asked.

Tom's anger sunk to a disappointed face. He slid his hands off the bars and sat where he was standing. He then ran his hand through his spiky hair.

"I was... I was jealous." He mumbled.

I leaned closer, putting my hand to my ear. He glanced at me.

"I said that I was jealous!" He shouted. "I wasn't in my right mindset, and I know now what I did was wrong." He looked down, not wanting to make eye contact. "Please let me out, I can't stand being here with this red commie, Hentai, loving freak!" He jumped up.

"Sorry Tom. Tord said not to, so...." F/N shrugged and turned, walking to the exit door as I followed close behind her.

"Wait! What!? You guys can't just leave me!" Tom screamed. "He'll do stuff that isn't human! To people! He tests on them!"

F/N and I sped walked out of the room and back to Tord.

"How was the visit?" He smiled.

"He... was saying strange things like, you did inhuman things. That you tested on people." I looked at F/N as she said it. "Is that true?"

Tord's eyes widened and he started to stammer.

"N-n-no. That's not true at all!" He waved his arms. "I don't know where he gets these things from but they are most certainly not true!"

I stared at Tord, he seemed to lying.

"Well, I think you two should be heading away now, it's getting late." Tord started walking away, still facing us.

"But it's only been two hours." F/N said.

"Bye!" He waved, not happy.

F/N and I pulled out our cubes anyways and went away. When we arrived home again, we saw people clearing out Tom's apartment. We just ignored it though. I unlocked and opened my door, F/N ran in and jumped on the couch.

-:Time Skip:-

I was walking down the dimly lit hallway at Tord's army base again, but this time, alone. I glanced into each cell but all I would see was pitch black. It seemed to get closer to me the farther I walked. Before I know, I could feel myself running quickly. I was running from the darkness behind me that would consume anything in its path. It was right over me. I glanced back as a creature of darkness formed and jumped out. It swung massive claws at me and attempted to bite me with huge fangs. I ducked but could feel something get ahold of my raincoat. I slipped it off and continued to run, getting more and more weak. Eventually something caught my hood as I tried slipping it off too. I did and fell forward, I now being on my hands and knees. The darkness ringed around me, it getting closer and closer with every breath I took. It was right up to my face now, I was shaking. It scared me, and I don't think I could handle much anymore. Something started to emerge from the dark and wrap around my body. It was around me entirely but my face. It whispered.

"We are one...."

I would've yelled, but it took the breath of me out, and I laid helpless on the floor.

(Alright, it's no longer on hold, I think that I'm past the... 'EVENT'... that happened last chapter. One of my classmates are in the E.R right now and have diabetes. Everyone at school was making fun of him because they didn't believe him. HE COULD DIE! I don't want that to happen, and I'm sure many other people don't want that to happen either. Let's hope he gets out fine.... So I hope that you all enjoyed this chapter and have enjoyed the book so far, I really didn't think that it would do this good at this point, and I thank you, my readers and fellow Ghosties. Stay awesome and I love you guys.

More To Come My Ghosties!)

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