Chapter 5: Surprize

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--Your P.O.V--

You continued to lay on Matt's chest, eyes closed but wide awake. Something was troubling you. You heard Matt fall back into a deep sleep so you slowly stood up and snuck out of his apartment room. You headed over to Tom's door and saw a faint light coming from the other side. You knocked on his door.

"Go away Edd!" He yelled from the other side.

"It's not Edd, it's F/N." You say back.

Then all went silent, but soon you heard footsteps. The door unlocked and opened slowly, revealing Tom holding his 'Oh so needed flask of Smirnoff.'

"What do you want?" He asked, irritated.

"I wanted to say that I was sorry, may I come in?" You asked, shyly.

He wore the same irritated face but nodded. You walked in and headed to the light coming from his room, seeming that he didn't try to stop you, you guessed that you could go in there. The room was bare like Matt's but had a dresser, bed, nightstand, and blue carpet in the middle. Matt only had a bed in his room since his huge closet or whatever was filled with pictures of himself. Tom passed you and sat on his bed, he set down his flask on his nightstand and pulled something out from under his bed. It was Susan, his bass.

"Woah..." You whispered. "...she looks worse in person."

"Yeah?" Tom looked at Susan. "I think I fixed her up. Want to hear some?"


He started playing but you didn't know the name, but you sat next to him. At one point, he started humming instead of singing. When he finished, you spoke up.

"What was the name of the song?" You asked.

"November Rain." He answered normally.

You nodded and let your head drop.

"Look Tom, I'm sorry I don't feel the same way that you feel about me but I just... don't." You paused. "I just don't believe that it's you, there's nothing wrong you, so I don't understand why you don't have a girlfriend. I mean, you have your specialties like your black, quote on quote, 'eyes', and your skill to play a bass, even your pointy hair!" You pointed out, Tom getting interested in your words. "I just... like Matt more. All I'm saying is that you'll find a girl and that I'm really sor-"

You were cut off by Tom, who had smashed his lips into yours! You froze, processed the situation, and pulled away. The first thing you did after doing so, was slap him across his face, leaving a red mark on his left cheek.

"AGH!" He jerked backwards, holding his left cheek. "Holy reused joke on a webtoon!" He yelled.

"WHAT WAS THAT!" You burst out, face going red but you not knowing if it was from anger or... blushing.

"I-I-I...." Tom stammered.

"I'm leaving!"

You stormed out of his room. He sat quietly on his bed when you looked back. He looked down as his hand came off his cheek, revealing how hard you really hit him. His whole left side of his face was turning red, and the spot you smacked him at, slightly bled. He closed his eyes and you saw a clear drop of water fall onto his bass which was still on his lap. Now you felt really horrible but went back to Matt's anyways.

-:Time Skip:-

You lifted your head and opened your eyes. Matt was watching a show with cute little animals on it, one was a cat that looked oddly similar to Tom. It had black 'eyes' and showed really no emotion for most of the time.

"How long have you been up Matt?" You question, rubbing your face.

"Well darling..." He stopped as you blushed. "...I've been up since 9am this morning.

'9am this morning? What was the time now?'

You glanced at the clock, seeing that it was 3pm. You must've been tiered.

"F/N, guess what?" Matt squealed.

"What?" You asked in return.

"I made some bacon for you sitting on the table and I found my computer in a box Edd had this morning!" He cheered. "I'm going to be ordering some stuff!"

"Alright Matt, but don't go spending it all on one thing."

"Sweetheart, when I spend money for you, it can never be called wasting." Matt pushed aside some of your H/C hair that was in front of your eyes. (I don't know how you guys like this but I honestly think I'm crying because I'm cringing so bad right now, I don't even know about this shiz!)

You shrugged and smiled, pecking him on his lips with a kiss, then walking into the kitchen to eat.

-:Time Skip:-

After you washed your hair and put on a clean pair of pants and a clean F/C hoodie, you and Matt go out for a stroll in a nearby park. (*snickering*) You and Matt were walking and holding hands. It was a nice, slightly breezy, warm afternoon. The pathway was smoothed dirt as trees created shade over both your heads. Every few feet, there would be rays of light coming in from the top. The place was beautiful. Matt leads you to a nearby bench to sit on. (Nooo, Matt leads you to a nearby bench to beat the absolute crap out of it.)

"Matt, this place is... is... is just beautiful." You were star struck by the sights.

"But nowhere near as beautiful as you my dear." He comforted you.

He was just so adorable, his voice, his personality, just... him! You felt the force between you both get stronger. (*crying* It's so bad!) So before you know it, both of your lips were together again. (*grabs pillow, covers face, screams*) The moment was just perfect, the lighting, the place, even the slight noise of the leaves moving in the distance. The kiss seemed to last forever, even though it was only just a few minutes. But with everything good, something bad must and will arise from it. When Matt and you departed, Matt was shot in his arm!

"Agh!" Matt screamed, gripping his wound.

"Matt!" You panicked, starting to cry.

He had his eyes shut tightly but you could see the tears rolling down his face like there was nothing blocking them. You tried to reach for him but you were pulled back and your eyes were covered. Before you had your eyes covered, you saw the same happened to Matt. Then, a voice.

"Hello... F/N"

(This is what you get for asking me to hurry, A CLIFF HANGER! I'm such a jerk, just kidding. This was such a cringy chapter for me, I don't know why, well, I sorta do.

More To Come My Ghosties!)

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