Chapter 10: Crazed

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--Matt's P.O.V--

(Im writing a love story when listening to Yandere songs, that makes sense.)

I woke up to someone screaming, I could make out what they yelled but only just.

"Tom... stop...." I mumbled and jumped off the bed to the ground.

I noticed that F/N was not in bed with me, so I walked out into the living room.

"Stop! H-help!" A female voice yelled from the other side of the wall.

I knew that voice so I rushed over to Tom's apartment, he locked his door. I pounded on it as hard as I could, it's a strong door.

"Tom!" I yelled, still banging.

"Matt? What's happening?" Edd ran out with drawing paper stuck to his face.

"Tom is doing something to F/N!"

"What!?" He jumped and ran over to the door, he tried opening it but it didn't budge.

"Tom!" He banged on the door with me. "Stop whatever your doing! Now!"

"Edd! Matt!" Someone else yelled from the other side.

Edd and I stopped pounding for a moment.

"Not done yet honey~." Tom purred.

My anger rose and I backed up.

"Edd! Look out!" I yelled from anger. (Holy crap, I think this Yandere is getting to me.)

He stared at me and backed away. I charged at the door and shoulder rammed it, I broke the lock somehow. Edd and I charged in and rushed to Tom's room. He didn't lock this one, so Edd and I ran inside. Tom was on top of F/N, holding her wrists down. F/N was only in her bra and undies.

"Edd! Matt!" She cried, looking around Tom.

Tom looked back with what seemed like soulless eyes. (Help me, the Yandere songs....)

"Get off her now!" I yelled.

He smirked and stood up, but pulled F/N to his chest.

"If I can't have her..." He reached into his pocket. "... then nobody can!" He put a blade up to F/N's neck.

"What!?" F/N panicked, tears rolling down her face.

"Tom! What's wrong with you!?" I started crying too, taking a step forward, Edd pulled out his cube and went somewhere, leaving F/N, Tom, and I.

"Don't take another step Matt, or she goes! If you give her to me, then I'll let her live." Tom chuckles at the end.

F/N looked at me, terrified. Practically saying not to do it. But I wanted her to live.

"Better make a choice Matt...." Tom said.

"I-I..." I stopped. "...F/N...." I whispered.

She looked at me and shook her head slightly, no.

"You know what?" Tom started. "I think that I'll just simply... kill her." He laughed.

"No!" I reached out.

Tom tightened his hold on F/N and struggled to slit her neck. He was laughing maniacally and started to cry. I froze and F/N closed her eyes. Tom almost started cutting F/N's neck but then I saw a figure jump out from a black light behind Tom and tackle him. Tom dropped F/N and fell, still holding the blade. I rushed over and picked F/N off the ground bridal style. I ran out with Edd, who was here now. I stopped right outside Tom's room door and glanced at the one who tackled him. It was Tord, he took the blade from Tom and threw it to the ceiling, it stuck loosely there. Tord used his robotic arm to hold Tom down while he held a gun to his face with his other hand.

"Let me go!" Tom screamed, kicking at Tord.

Tord slowly put his gun back in his pocket and put his finger on a ear piece he had in.

"Han tiltrer." Tord grinned.

That's when Edd pulled on my sleeve to leave. We ran out of the room and to my apartment. I tried setting F/N down on our bed but she wouldn't let go of her hold around my neck.

"Don't set me down... please." F/N whispers to me.

"I'll leave you two alone. Hope your alright F/N, bye." Edd said, walking away, he still had the paper on his cheek. "Hey! There's paper on my face!" He yelled from the hallway.

F/N weakly waved bye. I sat on the bed, resting F/N in my lap.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

F/N nodded.

"Are you tired? The sun is coming up now."

"No." She whispered.

"D-do you want your clothes?"

"N-not really." She mumbled.

I was confused.

"Why?" I ask.

"Because this is more comfy." She blushed.

I blushed and looked away. Then F/N looked at me.

"But you could go get them please." She tried not sounding rude.

I looked at her and nodded, setting her in the bed. I pulled the covers over her and started walking away. But she pulled on my sleeve, so I came back over and she kissed me.

"Thank you for saving me Matt." She said.

"Your welcome F/N." I smiled. "Stay in bed now."

"I will."

I walked away and back to Tom's apartment. Tord and two, I think friends of his were there.

"Hey Tord." I said, walking over to Tom's bed that had F/N's clothes on it.

"Ugh, hey Matt." He turned around. "What are you doing?"

"Just grabbing F/N's clothes for her." I paused. "Why are you still here?"

"Oh, just investigating, things like that." He shrugged. "Take care of her." Tord said before he took out his cube and went away.

Before the flash could get me, I covered my eyes and closed them, so I could see after it. Then I walked all the way back to my room to F/N and set her clothes on the desk. Then I joined her in bed. She was curled up in a ball, so I wrapped my arms around her and she smiled. She then fell asleep in my arms. I smiled and pulled her close the me, for more protection.

"Don't be scared F/N, Im here again and I won't let anything like that happen to you again. I promise." I said, then I also fell asleep.

(RANT TIME!!! I wasn't going to leave you guys with a ending like the last one, so I uploaded this today, and the fact that I apparently have a eye appointment tomorrow and won't be able to see ANYTHING because of the drops. I was going to work on my homework tomorrow! I can plan around this though. I'm sorry for your character almost not making it, blame Yandere. But don't search it if you can't handle,
1. Blood
2. Anime
3. Screwed up things
Then at the end I started listening to some kind of Chinese-Japanese-Spanish music, I have no clue what it is but it's definitely NOT ENGLISH. Plus, those drops that I get for my eyes, I literally have to wear 2 PAIRS of sunglasses because they blind me. Hope me luck to keep my vision after that. Anyways, stay awesome, live long, and prosper.

More To Come My Ghosties!)

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